原帖由 四车队 於 2014-5-11 19:05 發表 
所有下載及安裝 Great Grundorf 2 地圖檔案的人士,均默認已經接受以下全部使用條款。
Any users that have downloaded and extracted the file of Great Grundorf 2 should accept and follow all the terms below.
1. 這是為遊戲程式 The Omnibus Simulator (OMSI)製作的附加檔案,必須在該程式使用,請勿以其他程式開啟。
This is a modification (Mod) for the game The Omnibus Simulator (OMSI). The file can be used in the foresaid
application only.
2. 本檔案需要配合較高的電腦硬件配置運行,請量力而為。我們不會就任何人因正確或非正確使用此檔案而
This mod requires fast and good hardware to run, damages to your computer may be resulted which we are not
responsible for.
3. 本檔案受到香港特別行政區版權法及國際法所保護。
This file is under the protection of HKSAR and International law.
3a. 任何人都可以自由修改本檔案作個人用途。若需要公開經修改的內容,只能以附加檔案形式進行,
You can edit the map for personal use. If you want to publish any add-ons for the map, you must first get our
permission before you do so. Please also note that publishing a changed map is not allowed.
3b. 我們的官方網站 3D Transport Studio是唯一下載本檔案的地點。未經我們同意,切勿將本檔案轉載
Our official website - 3D Transport Studio is the only available place for downloading the file, any kind of
transferring, re-posting or transmitting for further downloading is prohibited without our permission.
3c. 這是一個免費檔案,使用者不能作任何商業用途及利用本檔案收取利益(包括任何物質及非物質的
This file is a freeware and must not be used for commercial purposes. It should not be used for obtaining any
benefits or privileges.
If any lost are caused to us, we will consider taking action against the offender.
4. 以上使用條款如有修改,不作另行通知,我們擁有闡釋本檔案使用條款的最終決定權。
No further notice will be made for any corrections or changes made to this user agreement. We have the final rights
to interpret the user agreement of this file.