
[欧卡2/美卡] Morphological Anti-Aliasing

Morphological Anti-Aliasing

Morphological Anti-Aliasing

This post is going to be a bit technical, but perhaps this angle will also be interesting to some of you.

We are in the process of implementing Morphological Anti-Aliasing in the graphics engine. You may have noticed the jaggy lines - aliasing artifacts - in previously posted screenshots, and MLAA is a method to lessen the problem. With the new deferred shading technique in our renderer, we can no longer use standard MSAA techniques. The two technologies are incompatible.

There is a brute force anti-aliasing solution - supersampling, also known as Full Scene Anti Aliasing (FSAA), but the performance hit is considerable. We will offer supersampling as an option in the game - the scene looks just great with it if you have a powerful graphics card with fill-rate to spare and lots of memory to allocate the larger buffers needed. But we also wanted to make the picture better on middle class or low-end hardware.

This is where MLAA comes handy. It is a very smart post-processing pass on the rendered image, basically selectively smoothing out parts of the image where a smart filter detects a jaggy line. It is not perfect, sometimes it blurs things that would be better left untouched, and it also cannot really reconstruct single-pixel width objects (for example electrical wires in the distance) to make a smooth line out of them like MSAA or FSAA could. But it helps considerably in many situations, and the performance cost is acceptable. You can read more on the method herehttp://www.geeks3d.com/20101023/tips-what-is-the-morphological-anti-aliasing-mlaa/. It is not our invention, the algorithm was invented by a very smart engineer at Intel.

As the picture below illustrates, the benefits of MLAA can be clearly seen on the big concrete blocks near the camera. However, the technique cannot really fix the problem with the road on the other side of the river just below the castle. The amount of information preserved in pixels of this part of the image is not high enough.

我們正處在實施過程中形態抗鋸齒的圖形引擎。您可能已經注意到了鋸齒形線 -鋸齒現象-在以前發布的截圖和MLAA是一種方法,以減輕這個問題。隨著新技術在我們的延期著色渲染,我們再也不能使用標準的MSAA技術。這兩種技術是不相容的。

有一種強力的抗混疊的解決方案-超級採樣,也稱為全景反鋸齒(FSAA的),但性能損失相當可觀。我們將提供超級採樣作為一種選擇的遊戲 -場景看起來只是偉大,如果你有一個強大的圖形卡填寫率,備件和大量的內存分配較大的緩衝需要。但是,我們也想使圖片更好的中產階層或低端硬件。

這是MLAA來得心應手。這是一個非常聰明的後處理傳遞渲染圖像,基本上選擇平滑部位的圖像在智能過濾器檢測到一個鋸齒形線。它不是完美的,有時模糊的東西會更好原封不動,也不能真正重建單像素寬度的對象(例如電線的距離),以確保平穩脫節,他們喜歡的MSAA或FSAA的可能。但在許多情況下幫助很大,而且性能成本是可以接受的。你可以閱讀更多有關方法herehttp:// www.geeks3d.com/20101023/tips-what-is-the-morphological-anti-aliasing-mlaa/。這不是我們的發明,發明該算法由一個非常聰明的工程師在英特爾。

正如圖片所示,帶來的好處 MLAA可以清楚地看到的大水泥塊附近的攝像頭。然而,這項技術並不能真正解決問題的道路的另一邊的河流,只低於城堡。該金額的信息保存在這部分像素的圖像不夠高。

mlaa_comparison.jpg (27.5 KB)

2011-2-27 20:58








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