
[欧卡2/美卡] Translation in full swing

Translation in full swing

Again, we are humbled. In a few short hours, the translation has already progressed a lot even during the test stage. So far the technical side looks good, too, we can pull the translated strings from the system just fine.

We are opening the translation to the whole community, we don't want anybody who felt like contributing to feel ignored.

Please start by visiting this page:

The game is still in the polishing stages of the development. Regarding the in-game texts, this means that as the User Interface is still changing, some text may still be changed, or erased, or added. But large majority of the text is already in place, and the system supports further tweaks.

As more people join in the translation effort, inevitably we'll start seeing conflicts and clashes. Each piece of text, be it a simple word or a full sentence, can be translated by multiple people in parallel. Then people can vote on each other's translation or mark a translation as problematic. This process may bring some frustration as people may start arguing over who's translation is the best. We still hope that this can be overcome by the collective wisdom of the community and that the best quality wins.

To thank you, here is a few more pictures from Trucks & Trailers. Thank you very very much!




哈哈哈  我喜欢。


