欧卡2 官方博客新图:Working on road signs(公路标志)
Quite some effort recently is going into populating the Euro Trucks Simulator 2 world with road signs. This represents many man-weeks of grueling work. Creating the art and models is quick compared to actually placing the thousands and thousands of signs into the map - and then having to come back to make corrections again and again.
Unlike our previous games, we strive to have country-specific signs, the images below are from France.
最近一段时期,我们努力为卡车模拟游戏制作路牌。这代表了许多人的艰苦工作。与创建艺术和模型的快速相比,实际将它们放置到地图中数以千计的图像要难的多- 所以我们回来一次又一次地改正。