
[欧卡2/美卡] SCS博文 2017/08/04 新墨西哥州:唱歌路

SCS博文 2017/08/04 新墨西哥州:唱歌路

Rumble strips, also known as sleeper lines, or alert strips, are a very smart invention that is definitely saving lives. For some people though, this is not enough. At various highways around the world, in places as diverse as Denmark, South Korea, or Japan, creative minds have altered the frequency of the grooves to produce actual melodies when a wheel is in contact with the rumble stripe. If you keep the correct speed, you will hear a real melody from your tires.

One of such Musical Roads is located on Route 66 between Albuquerque and Tijeras. While maintaining 45 mph speed, you'll hear "America's Beautiful" melody.

We thought that it would be fun to feature this section of the road in American Truck Simulator. After a short research and experimenting with frequencies and musical scales, we have succeeded in realizing this peculiarity. Check out the enclosed video, you can see and hear that this effect is working now in our prototype. It should become a part of the upcoming New Mexico map expansion.



The Musical Road is an all new little feature, the preview you are seeing/hearing may not be the final state. Development is still ongoing and will be subject to extended testing.

Articles related to New Mexico:

New Prefabs  新州新“积木”
Places to Rest and Refuel  走走停停
The Land of Enchantment  宛在陆中央
Roswell  罗斯威尔


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[ 本帖最後由 sgl 於 2017-9-23 21:19 編輯 ]

We choose to go to science and learn the other things,
not because they are easy, but because they are hard.
Because we have a dream, that one day we will rise up,
and live out the true meaning of our being,
to seek out new life and new civilizations,
to boldly go where no one has gone before.



回復 3號車# 的帖子


[ 本帖最後由 sgl 於 2017-8-10 14:02 編輯 ]

We choose to go to science and learn the other things,
not because they are easy, but because they are hard.
Because we have a dream, that one day we will rise up,
and live out the true meaning of our being,
to seek out new life and new civilizations,
to boldly go where no one has gone before.


回復 5號車# 的帖子


We choose to go to science and learn the other things,
not because they are easy, but because they are hard.
Because we have a dream, that one day we will rise up,
and live out the true meaning of our being,
to seek out new life and new civilizations,
to boldly go where no one has gone before.
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