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【来源】:Introducing Louisiana

Embark on a journey to the Pelican State nestled in the south of the U.S.. Discover the subtropical climate of the state which has provided the magnificent brooding scenery of the coastal bayous, and the lush, dank vegetation.


Truckers can look forward to the beautiful and iconic landscape of this southern state, historical cities like New Orleans and Baton Rouge, miles and miles of long stretching roads, and also the Mississippi River delta that has helped shaped how the area looks today. The diverse landscape contributes to the unique beauty of this state, as visitors can find three types of regions there. The lowlands consist of the coastal marshes and the Mississippi floodplain. The Red River valley is typical for its red soil and many raft lakes. In the northern part of the state, you will mainly find some rolling hills.
卡车司机可以欣赏到这个南部州美丽的标志性景观、新奥尔良和巴吞鲁日等历史名城、绵延数英里的公路,以及塑造了该地区今日面貌的密西西比河三角洲。 多样的地貌造就了该州独特的美景,因为游客可以在这里找到三种类型的地区。低地包括沿海沼泽和密西西比河洪泛平原。红河谷是典型的红土地,有许多筏状湖泊。在该州的北部,主要是一些连绵起伏的丘陵。 


Louisiana has a diverse variety of industries ranging from agricultural production, fishing, or forestry, to petroleum, gas, and coal. Thanks to this, drivers can haul plenty of different cargo types in and out of the Pelican State. We cannot understate the importance of waterways in this state, especially its canal system and the crucial role ports play, such as the port of New Orleans, which ranks among the busiest in the country in terms of volume of seaborne freight handled, so there is plenty of cargo to transport for everyone!

We look forward to sharing more from this state with you in future blog posts. But for now, please remember that everything you see here is still very much a work in progress and may not represent the final product when it is released. 我们期待着在今后的博文中与您分享更多关于这一状态的内容。但现在,请记住,您在这里看到的一切在很大程度上都是正在进行中的工作,可能并不代表发布时的最终产品。  

[ 本帖最後由 LeoLe1040 於 1919-08-10 11:45:14 編輯 ]

[ 本帖最後由 LeoLe1215 於 2024-10-17 11:09 編輯 ]

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