
[其他] § UKTS Improvement Mod v1.4 § ★终于出了☆

§ UKTS Improvement Mod v1.4 § ★终于出了☆

                                               long time no see
- 斯帕基1.4版公司貨物
- 斯帕基1.4版地圖
- 斯帕基1.4版實車標誌
- 斯帕基1.4版卡車處理
- 斯帕基1.4版人工智能車輛
- 斯帕基1.4版改進的實拖車
- 斯帕基1.4版實時加油站及酒店業
- 斯帕基1.4版修復和模型





如果您有任何文件從 V1.0或v1.1或v1.2或1.3版的這個 mod就應該予以刪除,更換這些。




- 稀有和特殊荷載現在更常見的,可以拿起像任何其他負載,而不是

- 加載可在公司一直變化不大:

- 斯托克斯,LKW案件記錄,Posped,Tradeaux,Trameri,Transinet:一切。
- 口岸,本基金:任何與汽車製造業。
- Euroacres:任何與農業。
- Eurogoodies:任何與食品和家庭用品。
- 信息技術協調:任何與建築材料。
- Kaarfor,Sellplan:超市,只接受食品和家庭用品。
- NBFC,WGCC:化學廠,任何與化學品,燃料等
- 採石場:任何與採石例如礦,挖掘機等
- Sanbuilders:施工現場,接受施工材料和設備。
- 樹記者:任何與記錄。



- 單中心代替白線在一些單線道路具有雙重之一。
- 禽流感現在在正確的旅行速度鄉村道路(如六零英里每小時)。
- 改變 60英里的標誌一個國家限速標誌。
- 改變30英里每小時限制城市四〇英里每小時。
- 變紅色和白色的人字形標誌,以黑色和白色。
- 解鎖並完成各種額外的道路周圍的地圖。
- 刪除各種無形的牆周圍的地圖。
- 交通不只是在國家左轉道路噸單路口了。
- 刪除厚的白線以外的一些單行車道路。
- 增加了一些道路和細節周圍的地圖。
- 燈柱和交通燈如現在有物理他們可以打翻如果你打他們竭盡所能。
- 更多的建築物添加到一些城市。
- 固定的臭蟲在伯明翰拖車產卵'樹等'院子,在那裡你可以得到一些負載不因為一些嚴重放置對象。
- 你現在可以睡覺的時候,不管你是多麼累。
- 修正後保險槓上平板拖車,'不超車'和'40'的警告是正確的現在英方。
- 噪聲指標為氣浮與雷諾卡車正高漲。你很難聽到他們面前。
- 一些路燈改為更黃色的光線。
- 新的人工智能交通喇叭的聲音。 (感謝做DannyBee原聲音文件和克羅克特和Reinhard為讓他們正常工作)
- 新的開始菜單音樂。
- 有些型號的轉換從極端卡車司機的赫比49。
- 停放汽車模型euro_trucker。


一些額外的東西為 mapmakkers也包含在'斯帕基1.4版修復和模式'文件:

- 大量更多不同類型的道路標記,速度限制等

- 一些新的道路紋理。

- 一個新的巴士站模型euro_trucker。

- 加載新的跡象。

- 也包括一些類型的T -單路口行車道路。

- 新的建築物,具有放置為'建築'不'模式',這意味著它們可以被拉伸和彎曲以適合任何空間:

- 城鎮住房
- 城鎮商店
- 郊區房子
- 小商店(2版)




這個 mod增加了對汽車的真正標誌,如奔馳,斯堪尼亞等卡車現在也更容易

我想感謝 pete379jp創造這個 mod,讓我把它列入排雷。



這個 mod提高了處理的卡車,使之更加切合實際。您將不再四處滑動


這個 mod增加了更多的車輛和拖車,以人工智能,並使得道路繁忙。有些車輛更

- 額外的車輛名單:
- 豐田麵包車。 (SCS軟件,轉換為 UKTS由斯帕基,修改watchtalker)。
- 豐田陸地巡洋艦 4 × 4。 (SCS軟件,轉換為 UKTS由斯帕基,修改watchtalker)。
- 豐田陸地巡洋艦 4 × 4與車頂行李架和自行車。 (SCS軟件,轉換為 UKTS由斯帕基,修改watchtalker)。
- 過境箱車。 (SCS軟件,轉換成箱車由watchtalker)。
- 雪佛蘭 4 × 4。 (SCS軟件,轉換為 UKTS由斯帕基,修改watchtalker)。
- 福特Superduty皮卡。 (SCS軟件,轉換為 UKTS由斯帕基,修改watchtalker)。
- 福特汽車完成Superduty擊穿屋頂閃爍的燈塔。 (SCS軟件,轉換為 UKTS由斯帕基,修改watchtalker)。
- 霍爾頓的Commodore尤特(Crew Cab皮卡車)。 (SCS軟件,轉換為 UKTS由斯帕基,修改watchtalker)。
- 微型客車。 (SCS軟件,轉換為 UKTS由斯帕基。又一個新的皮膚斯帕基,修改watchtalker)。
- 尼奧普蘭客車。 (由pete379jp以及一種新的皮膚斯帕基)。
- 梅賽德斯蔡司巴士。 (由卡瑪斯,一些皮膚改變由斯帕基,修改watchtalker)。
- 警察和救護車輛。 (修改原稿由公務員事務局局長由mussweg,英國新的皮膚由斯帕基,修改watchtalker)。
- 雙人和單雙層巴士由巴士司機(3種類型,由公務員事務局局長軟件,轉換為 UKTS由斯帕基,修改watchtalker)。
- 法拉利和奔馳凌特車(mefiestofel,轉換為 UKTS由斯帕基)。
- 奔馳 CLK55(watchtalker)
- 蒙迪歐與自行車(SCS軟件,自行車添加watchtalker)

- 所有類型的拖車現在出現禽流感。有些人比其他人更為普遍,就像在現實生活中。
- 雷諾馬格南現在在人工智能。公務員事務局局長不知道為什麼離開它擺在首位。
- 默認 AI的車現在有真正的生產廠家標誌。


這個 mod包括改進拖車模型和實際皮膚的所有默認拖車。

- 改進模型的集裝箱,冷藏,燃料池,蓄水池和日誌拖車食品由萊因哈德。
- 所有其他拖車改善pete379jp。
- 皮膚由斯帕基,blackpanther,弗朗西斯和scani 111超級。見包括Word文檔獲取更多信息。



這個 mod包含真實公司的所有皮膚油站及酒店業。所有的皮膚由scani 111超,

- SPARKY v1.4 Company Cargoes
- SPARKY v1.4 Map
- SPARKY v1.4 Real Truck Logos
- SPARKY v1.4 Truck Handling
- SPARKY v1.4 AI Vehicles
- SPARKY v1.4 Improved Real Trailers
- SPARKY v1.4 Real Petrol Stations & Hotels
- SPARKY v1.4 Fixes and Models

See below for a guide to each files contents.

Place the files you wish to use in your mod folder. Add all of them for the full mod.

Please be aware that 'SPARKY v1.4 Map' requires 'SPARKY v1.4 Fixes' to work properly.

All mods are by me unless otherwise stated.

If you have any files from V1.0 or V1.1 or V1.2 or V1.3 of this mod they should be deleted and replaced by these.

Alternatively you can use the included installer, but remember that you still need to delete any files from
previous versions of my mod from your mod folder manually.

SPARKY v1.4 Company Cargoes:

This .scs file makes some changes to the cargoes availiable at the company yards:

- Rare and special loads are now more common and can be picked up like any other load, rather than having
to wait for an e-mail. E-mails will still arrive and you will still be paid more for the e-mail loads.

- Loads availiable at companies have been changed slightly:

- Stokes, LKW log, Posped, Tradeaux, Trameri, Transinet: Everything.
- BCP, FCP: Anything to do with vehicle manufacturing.
- Euroacres: Anything to do with farming.
- Eurogoodies: Anything to do with food and household goods.
- ITCC: Anything to do with building materials.
- Kaarfor, Sellplan: Supermarket, only accepts food and household goods.
- NBFC, WGCC: Chemical plant, Anything to do with chemicals, fuel etc.
- Quarries: Anything to do with quarrying e.g. ore, diggers etc.
- Sanbuilders: Construction site, accepts construction materials and plant.
You can now also collect loads from there e.g. construction machinery, unwanted spoil etc.
- Tree ET: Anything to do with logging.


SPARKY v1.4 Map and SPARKY v1.4 Fixes and Models

Some changes to the in-game map and various other things. Both of these files should be used together,
although if you want to use a different map you can still use the 'fixes' file.

- Replaced single centre white line on some single lane roads with a double one.
- AI now travels at the correct speed on country roads (e.g. 60mph).
- Changed 60 mph sign to a national speed limit sign.
- Changed 30mph limit in cities to 40mph.
- Changed red and white chevron sign to black and white.
- Unlocked and completed various extra roads around the map.
- Removed various invisible walls around the map.
- Traffic does not only turn left at country single road t-junctions anymore.
- Removed thick white outside lines from some single lane roads.
- Added some roadworks and details around the map.
- Lamp posts and traffic lights now have physics e.g. they can be knocked over if you hit them hard enough.
- More buildings added to some cities.
- Fixed trailer spawn bug in Birmingham 'Tree-et' yard, where you couldn't get to some loads because of some badly placed objects.
- You can now sleep all the time, no matter how tired you are.
- Fixed rear bumper on flatbed trailer, 'no overtaking' and '40' warnings are now on the correct UK side.
- Indicator noises for DAF and Renault trucks are now louder. You could hardly hear them before.
- Some streetlights changed to a more yellow light.
- New horn sounds for AI traffic. (thanks do DannyBee for the original sound files and Crockett and Reinhard for getting them working correctly)
- New start menu music.
- Some models converted from extreme trucker by herbie 49.
- Parked car models by euro_trucker.


Some extra stuff for mapmakkers is also included in the 'SPARKY v1.4 Fixes and Models' file:

- Lots more types of road with different markings, speed limits etc.

- Some new road textures.

- A new bus stop model by euro_trucker.

- Loads of new signs.

- also included are some more types of t-junctions for single carriageway roads.

- New buildings that are placed as 'buildings' not 'models', meaning that they can be stretched and bent to fit into any space:

- Town houses
- Town shops
- Suburban houses
- Small shops (2 versions)

Remember that if you use anything from my mod for your map then it will require my mod to function properly.

SPARKY v1.4 Real Truck Logos

This mod adds real logos to the trucks such as Mercedes-Benz, Scania etc. The trucks are also now easier
to skin, and templates for this are included. The dashboards of some trucks are now fixed so that the
speedomenter correctly shows mph instead of kph.

I would like to thank pete379jp for creating this mod and allowing me to include it in mine.

SPARKY v1.4 Truck Handling

This mod improves the handling of the trucks to make it more realistic. You will no longer slide around
unrealistically at low speeds.

SPARKY v1.4 AI Vehicles

This mod adds more vehicles and trailers to AI, and makes the roads busier. Some vehicles are more
common than others, just like in real life.

- Extra Vehicle List:
- Toyota Minivan. (SCS software, converted to UKTS by sparky, modified by watchtalker).
- Toyota Land Cruiser 4X4. (SCS software, converted to UKTS by sparky, modified by watchtalker).
- Toyota Land Cruiser 4X4 with roof rack and bikes. (SCS software, converted to UKTS by sparky, modified by watchtalker).
- Transit Box Van. (SCS software, converted to box van by watchtalker).
- Chevrolet Suburban 4X4. (SCS software, converted to UKTS by sparky, modified by watchtalker).
- Ford Superduty Pickup. (SCS software, converted to UKTS by sparky, modified by watchtalker).
- Ford Superduty Breakdown Truck complete with flashing roof beacons. (SCS software, converted to UKTS by sparky, modified by watchtalker).
- Holden Commodore Ute (crew cab pickup). (SCS software, converted to UKTS by sparky, modified by watchtalker).
- Minibus. (SCS software, converted to UKTS by sparky. Also with a new skin by sparky, modified by watchtalker).
- Neoplan Coach. (by pete379jp and with a new skin by sparky).
- Mercedes Vario bus. (by kamaz, with some skin changes by sparky, modified by watchtalker).
- Police and paramedic cars. (modified from SCS originals by mussweg, new UK skins by sparky, modified by watchtalker).
- Double and single decker buses from bus driver (3 types, by SCS software, converted to UKTS by sparky, modified by watchtalker).
- Ferrari and Mercedes Sprinter Van (mefiestofel, Converted to UKTS by Sparky).
- Mercedes CLK55 (watchtalker)
- Mondeo with bikes (SCS software, bikes added by watchtalker)

- All trailer types now appear in AI. Some are more common than others, just like in real life.
- Renault Magnum now in AI. No idea why SCS left it out in the first place.
- Default AI cars now have real manufacturer badges.

SPARKY v1.4 Improved Real Trailers

This mod includes improved trailer models and real skins for all the default trailers.

- Improved models for container, reefer, fuel cistern, food cistern and log trailers by reinhard.
- All other trailers improved by pete379jp.
- Skins by sparky, blackpanther, francis and scani 111 super. See included word document for more info.

SPARKY v1.4 Real Petrol Stations & Hotels

This mod includes real company skins for all the petrol stations and hotels. All skins by scani 111 super,
except the 'arc' car wash, which is by sparky.





          UKTS Improvement Mod v1.5                                                                             
                coming soon

[ 本帖最後由 sampong8 於 2010-6-25 11:39 編輯 ]
















