BanG Dream! also known as Bandori (バンドリ) is a Japanese media franchise created in January 2015 by Bushiroad, with original story by Ko Nakamura and original character designs by Hitowa. It consists of the musical group Poppin'Party, which was formed in February 2015, music CDs, live concerts, card games, multiple manga, anime television series, and a rhythm game called BanG Dream! Girls Band Party by developer Craft Egg for iOS and Android.
After the initial creation of Poppin'Party in 2015, new bands came in the franchise in 2017 with the launch of the mobile game with Afterglow, Pastel*Palettes, Roselia and Hello Happy World being created. Between those, only Roselia much like Poppin'Party also has a musical group with voice actress of the characters being on a unit as a real band and using the same instruments of the fictional characters. At the end of 2018, a support band called The Third had its name changed to Raise a Suilen, with characters being created for the franchise and its members becoming voice actors of them on the second season of the anime.