YuruYuri (ゆるゆり, lit. "Easygoing Yuri") is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Namori. The series began serialization in Ichijinsha's Comic Yuri Hime S magazine from June 12, 2008, before being moved over to Comic Yuri Hime in September 2010. An anime adaptation by Doga Kobo aired in Japan between July and September 2011, with a second season airing between July and September 2012. An original video animation by TYO Animations was released on February 18, 2015, followed by two TV specials which aired in August and September 2015. A third TV season by TYO Animations aired between October and December 2015. Another OVA by Lay-duce has been announced to celebrate the manga's tenth anniversary. A spin-off web manga, Ohmuroke (大室家 Ōmuroke), began release on Nico Nico Seiga in July 2012.
YuruYuri (jap. ゆるゆり, dt. „mildes Yuri“) ist eine Manga-Reihe der Zeichnerin Namori. Sie berichtet von dem Alltag von vier Schülerinnen, die den Teezeremonie-Clubraum übernehmen, um ihn als ihren eigenen „Vergnügungsclub“ (Goraku-bu) zu gestalten.
YuruYuri (ゆるゆり) est une série de manga écrite et illustrée par Namori, qui raconte l'histoire de quatre collégiennes qui réinvestissent l'ancienne salle du club de cérémonie du thé de leur école pour y créer leur propre « club de loisirs ». La série a été adaptée en anime de deux saisons par Dogakobo en 2011 et 2012. Le studio TYO Animations produit par la suite un OAV en 2014, suivi par une troisième saison en 2015.
This mod simulates early autumn and replaces older textures with higher res versions.
Less leaves on trees and autumnal colours
Fallen leaves on sidewalks and sides of roads
Low res vegetation replaced with higher res versions
Low res roads, grass and fields replaced with higher res versions
Autumnal daylight hours
HDR bloom reduced
Appropriate temperature readings
No thunder and lighting
No harvesters
Place above sound mods to remove summer sounds like insect noises.
Works with Promods, TSM, Rus Map, MHA, and others.
Compatible with all map DLCs
Changes in v5.8