
[交流] 英文版的地图编辑指南



ETS Map Editor Guide by dallyborr
To start the build in map editor: you must type at console: EDIT

Moving signs up and down: left click on sign, press "C" to have 3d view, than PgUp or PgDown to move it up or down, to adjust right position.

Yeah, map is good but you have to fix those "flying object".

There you are, some useful things about map editing:

“New Map” – creates new map
“Load Map” – prompts you to load a map
“Save Map” – saves whatever map you are working on
“Set Defaults” – does, I’m not sure.
“Build Map” – don’t use this.. I don’t know its purpose. It used to be a necessary step in PttM, but not anymore.
“Quit” – is the same as typing in “quit” in the console. Quits the game without prompt
“Help” – does sh** all, that’s why you’re reading this
“Settings” – lets you change what time of day it is in the map editor, etc.

Now. These are the keys you will use. Don’t click on buttons, get used to pressing keys, it is a lot faster:
P – item properties
E – new object / place object
D – delete
R – rotate: pressing once rotates object on x axis, press it again to rotate along y axis (the most commonly used) and again to rotate along z axis. Click and drag item
I – import
S – place start.
A – displays the background map
F – find: I never use this one
G – sign add: I never use this one either, although I admit I never noticed it until today.
H – click and drag object to change its height
C – cycle camera views. For 3d-cam, use arrow keys to get around.
B – select stamp. Stamps are terrain colors you can brush on so to speak. Don’t overuse them.
N – node properties: rarely used, but helpful at times
M – click and drag something to move it.
Page Up – zooms out
Page Down – zooms in
1 – roads (road strings)
2 – prefab (intersections, forks, etc)
3 – buildings (strings of houses, trees, etc)
4 – models (independent models)
5 – company
6 – services point (those whirling piles of sh** that tell you where you can sleep, fuel up, etc)
7 – cut plane (I have yet to find out what this does)
8 – mover (things that move… trains, balloons, etc.)
9 – city (a location thing that defines a city)
0 – parking (a location thing that defines parking slots)
spacebar – displays item properties before you place something

So for example, if I wanted to place a single building, I would hit “E” followed by “4” followed by “spacebar” which would open a little box where I could select my building, and also the distance at which the game displays it (far means the game loads things when you’re far away from them. Good for things you’re supposed to see from a distance, but impacts computer performance if overused.
Then I would click, and the object is placed. Then I might hit “H” and click and drag the model to change the height (which also gets displayed at the very bottom of your screen in the middle). Then I might hit “M” and click and drag my newly placed model to move it. Then I might decide to change it, so I hit “P” and click on the model. The properties box appears, and I can change it to a different building in the drop-down list. I can also manually change the scale and rotation of it in the properties box. If you want it bigger, change all the properties fields to lets say 2. 2 means its twice as big. 1 means it’s the same size as when you open it in Z-Modeler. Changing only some of the scale boxes will stretch the object.
If you check the properties of a road, you will see a very different screen. Most of the options are self explanatory. Cracks means there will be cracks in the road. You can pick a railing, and you can pick a string of models to be displayed next to the road (such as lamp posts) and change their offsets by typing in a number into the Shift Models or Railing Offset fields.
Quad Count means how many visible terrain tiles will be displayed on each side of the road.
Terrain Shader lets you choose the texture of the terrain for each side of the road.
Vegetation lets you choose some vegetation sprites (trees, shrubs, etc.)
At the top right:
Road – plain road with no sidewalks
City road – road with sidewalks
Terrain – no road, just terrain. This is how you build fancy terrain.
Down near the bottom you’ll see “Noise power”. Whatever this means, doesn’t matter. 100% makes the terrain really rough with lots of bumps and sh**. 0% makes the tiles completely flat.
Clicking the “Reset Stamps” button undoes any stamps you placed on that particular road section.
Clicking “Edit Signs” lets you add signs to the road segment. You can later move them like any object.
Clicking “Use as Defaults” means that the next time you go and place a road, it will have the same settings as this road you just set up. This comes in very handy.



明明欺負我.幫頂.猛頂 (哇.頭破血流了啦)





原帖由 jianxun 於 2008-9-21 20:28 發表

柴油连续的通过柱塞压入喷油嘴..雾化后的柴油喷入燃烧室...引擎的轰鸣...齿轮和机油烧热的味道... 流畅操纵这巨大完美无瑕机器....确保货物安全抵达 RNR通关纪念↓



網址裡什麼都沒有= =


全是英文看不懂!  只看的这个懂 ,truck(卡车)呵呵.....


完全看不懂啊 郁闷

看不懂 还好我有金山

何以解忧 唯有泡妞


