
[交流] 【RigNRoll】国外玩家对RNR未来补丁提出的建议



1.Please for wahtever you hold dear game devs patch this weird and fustrating i dont know what to call it , whenever you listen to your favorite music , your own music or the one from the games radio station whatever you do pause the game, enter journal F3 , enter a truck shop/gas station it either skips the music playing or just switches to another damn radio station make the game resume/remember the previous song/whatever it was doing before ITS FURSTATING.

2.I have noticed something no matter what settings i have in traffic density 20%/50%/100%/90%/70% whatever, there is a huge traffic spawn outside/entering/exiting a major city and that causes major system slowdown from 60 fps to 15-25 .....it might be a bug on ati 4870x2 cards fix it by making the game use the settings i have in traffic density , ( this doesnt happen if you have traffic off but then its rather boring and the game looks liek a wasteland.)the traffic actually spawns it isnt present on the map i checked and triple checked using the hight point/view camera OR have the game gradually spawn traffic while aproaching city limits , that would be the best and i know because not many people have the latest/uber high end cpu/gups

3.As stated before and its rather weird because the trucks ( some ) that were cut off from the game are in the actual background video of the game menu , there one can see an international, an volvo and even an mack vision! they look awsome it would be nice if they added them back into the game with changed names etc... strangely though in the truck shops you can clearly see some of the existing brands in game with their real name in the top left corner of the interface it looks awsome.

4.More truck parts specially more engines with diffenent sounds to suit them to choose from, AND with different stats ex some engines will have same hp BUT different behavior one engine is suited for mountain road and the other best for highways or flat surfaces that would be awsome.

5.More paintjobs....i have seen some ai trucks with colours/styles that arent available for player purchase i might be worng though not sure i havent played enough rnr i guess ( almost 9 days now with 14 hours of rnr every day

6.Remove or make optional ( menu option like map orientation, ingame videos etc...) the cinematics for warehouse/gas station/truck repair shops , they cut off 2% of the game fun in my opinion.

7.Almost forgot the game needs an ANTI-RADAR paint for 500k$ or 1mil and it works only for radar detection ex if the cops already saw you you cant escape only if you manage to disable their cars ((its possible to get rid of the cops and even fun at high speeds and lots of traffic on highways but very difficult on 1 or 2 lane roads ),they respawn so thats where the ANTI-RADAR paints comes into place.)


[ 本帖最後由 dongfeng2010 於 2009-12-31 14:32 編輯 ]

质量最好的欧洲卡车2 地图mod

1、请务必发布这个补丁来修正这些稀奇古怪的问题。每当你听你最喜欢的音乐,不论是你自己的音乐还是游戏中的电台,不论你暂停游戏,进入journal F3(不知道是啥), 进入一辆卡车商店或者加油站。 音乐就会跳过或者换成其他该死的电台。请修正这个,让游戏有继续的功能(指音乐或者电台)

2、 我注意到了一些问题:不管我设置交通流量是20%   50%   100%  90% 还是 70%,车流量总是很大,特别是在一些大城市,这样导致我的游戏帧数下降。原来是60多,很流畅,直到15~25,变得很卡。这对于4870X2显卡来说可能是一个BUG,只能用游戏设定来修正。 (如果你关闭了交通流量,这种事情就不会发生,,但是。。。。这看起来有点浪费。)。。。。 而且这种情况不会显示在地图上。我反复使用hight point/view camera 来查看这情况。最好把这个东西做个限制,因为大多数人的电脑都不是特别的好

3、一些从游戏目录里的视频里能看到的车子 (比如INTERNATIONAL, VOLVO, MACK)在游戏里都看不到,他们好像被剪切掉了。如果能重新添加进去,那样会更好。


5、 更多涂装,我看见一些AI的涂装很好看,但是玩家不能使用这些颜色,风格。我不太确定我是否正确。

6、 能移除或者加入选项 (目录选项比如,地图GPS,游戏视频等等)。工厂/加油站/卡车修理店的动画,这些东西对我来说剪掉了2%的游戏乐趣

7、 差点忘了,这游戏需要一个反雷达涂装(500k$ or 1mil)而且他只需要对雷达探测有效就行!

[ 本帖最後由 frank1223 於 2009-12-31 13:55 編輯 ]
  • CheetahX +99 2009-12-31 14:14 翻译辛苦了
  • 卡车硬汉 +199 2009-12-31 13:47 非常感谢翻译!


哦 老外说的很对啊 听歌的时候非常郁闷!!同时也提到了优化   还有马克和万国!!

柴油连续的通过柱塞压入喷油嘴..雾化后的柴油喷入燃烧室...引擎的轰鸣...齿轮和机油烧热的味道... 流畅操纵这巨大完美无瑕机器....确保货物安全抵达 RNR通关纪念↓


GTA4汽车十宗罪: 1。汽车没了油箱,没办法一枪打爆炸…… 2。没办法给车里面仍手雷……对着窗户扔进去直接弹飞…… 3。对汽车扔燃烧弹,着火了!一会后自己熄灭…… 4。汽车着火后,冲到消防栓那里,水冲车却不能灭火…… 5。汽车有无轮胎没有区别……只有车枯栌一样奔跑…… 6。刹车系统完全是摆设,第一路口刹车能到第三路口都刹不住…… 7。摩托车都能有头盔,汽车连安全带都没有,何况是安全汽囊!撞车直接从前面飞出去…… 8。如果跳到其他NPC车子上,行驶一段距离后主角自动死亡…… 9。下雨天,雨刷不动…… 10。开车的时候不用换弹夹……

多吸纳点大作的元素啊     GTA4里的不全是典型的美国风情     怎么。。。。都没。。

官方交流群号 128589127


嘿嘿 目前发现T600的倒车镜会彻底掉落

柴油连续的通过柱塞压入喷油嘴..雾化后的柴油喷入燃烧室...引擎的轰鸣...齿轮和机油烧热的味道... 流畅操纵这巨大完美无瑕机器....确保货物安全抵达 RNR通关纪念↓

我只要求补丁出来后我能用特效全关的机器运行游戏时帧数在  17 18左右就满足了


老C要抓紧升级电脑啦 不然好多经典的你都要告别.....

柴油连续的通过柱塞压入喷油嘴..雾化后的柴油喷入燃烧室...引擎的轰鸣...齿轮和机油烧热的味道... 流畅操纵这巨大完美无瑕机器....确保货物安全抵达 RNR通关纪念↓


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