
[欧卡2/美卡] 欧卡德国重置:不来梅

本主題由 LeoLe1215 於 2024-6-25 16:17 設置高亮 本主題被作者加入到個人文集中


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【来源】:Germany Rework - Bremen

The work is not stopping on the Germany Rework project for Euro Truck Simulator 2. While we previously reworked the Rhine region for the 1.50 update, we are moving on to other areas. This time, we would like to share with you the progress we made in the city of Bremen and its surroundings.
欧洲卡车模拟2 - 德国重制项目的工作不会停止。在 1.50 版更新中,我们对莱茵河地区进行了重制,现在我们将继续对其他地区进行重制。这次,我们要与大家分享的是我们在不来梅市及其周边地区所取得的进展。

Bremen is a historic city located in the northern part of Germany near the North Sea on the Weser River. The city is renowned for its picturesque medieval architecture, including the UNESCO World Heritage site of the Bremen Town Hall and Roland Statue.

In Euro Truck Simulator 2, the whole city was completely rebuilt from the ground up. As part of this transformation, we added the port of Bremerhaven to the map, located approximately 60 km to the north of Bremen, which is one of Europe's foremost car transshipment hubs. More than 2 million cars are imported or exported through this port every year.
在欧洲卡车模拟 2中,整个城市从头开始完全重建。作为改造的一部分,我们在地图上添加了不来梅港,它位于不来梅以北约 60 公里处,是欧洲最重要的汽车转运中心之一。每年通过该港口进出口的汽车超过 200 万辆。

Truckers delivering cargo in and out of Bremen will come across a completely new intersection leading into the city which was transformed to better represent its real-life counterpart. As you navigate it, you will also be able to get a peek at the vibrant historic city center and drive through some beautiful parts of Bremen.

Another part we wanted to focus on was the economy in and around the city. We made an effort to simulate a more realistic economy by incorporating industries located in this area such as a car factory, a beverage factory, and the river port situated on the Weser River.


[ 本帖最後由 LeoLe1040 於 1919-08-10 11:45:14 編輯 ]

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