
[搬運 Haulin] repositioned cameras 新视角

repositioned cameras 新视角

Download[下载地址]: camera.zip (71.15 KB)

the camera mod, i changed the outside rotating camera to rotate further away
from the cab & trailer, the inside camera rotates 360 degrees around the inside
of the cab, it does show thru the back of the cab but i didn't want to set it
forward toward the dash, but it still comes in handy sometimes.

i changed the bumper cam, back and higher (on top of the cab) comes in
handy if its raining so you can see those overhead signs better,
(works for me anyway i sometimes cant see them untill i'm on top of them)
unfortunatly it wont show the hood, (bummer) so remember the nose
of your truck sticks out further so when you come up on traffic allow
a little room or you might hit a vehicle in the rearend and do damage,
and this is not a rotating camera.this works on most all road trucks
with sleepers,day cabs you might see the corner of the trailer when
you turn corners, there is other camera mods out there but i dont know
if the bumper cam was changed, i made this mod myself.

also inclued in this mod, is cargos & companies,
cargos: price you get for loads are higher (for your bank account)
company: these are set to haul almost anything in an out
example: iwm in Albuquerque was just a receiver now its both,
(all iwm's & others) if you dont want to cheat that much on prices,and
you have winrar open this mod and go to def/economy and delete cargos
this will put prices back to normal.




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