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【来源】:Project Benelux Rework

Today, we're excited to share with you more about our plans for our next rework project for Euro Truck Simulator 2, Project Benelux! The name Benelux is derived from the first letters of each country's name, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, each of which will be reworked from scratch.
今天,我们很高兴与大家分享《欧洲卡车模拟2》下一个重制项目--“比荷卢项目 ”的更多计划!比荷卢 "这个名字来源于比利时、荷兰和卢森堡三国国名的第一个字母,每个国家都将从头开始重做。

The rework of the Benelux region in Euro Truck Simulator 2 marks an exciting and long-awaited update to one of the oldest parts of the game's continental map. We spoke with Jan H, Lead of Project Benelux to learn more about the team. "There are 10 map designers, including myself working on this project" Jan explains "of course, there are many others from the Research, QA, Assets, Programming department who are a part of the project too."
欧洲卡车模拟 2 对比荷卢地区的重新设计标志着对游戏大陆地图中最古老的部分之一进行了令人兴奋和期待已久的更新。我们采访了 “比荷卢项目 ”的负责人 Jan H,以了解团队的更多情况。“包括我在内,共有 10 位地图设计师参与了这个项目“,Jan 解释说,”当然,还有许多来自研究、质量保证、资产、编程部门的其他人员也参与了这个项目"。

The decision to overhaul the region was a natural progression following the rework of German cities. Given the age of the existing map and the many changes that have taken place in real life, the decision was made to completely rework the region from scratch.

One of the most significant aspects of this update is the addition of new cities  "You can expect new cities such as Antwerp and Eindhoven," Jan tells us. "Additionally, we're including major road network routes like the A2 motorway, a significant portion of the E40 highway and the scenic N57 road in the Netherlands."


这次更新最重要的一个方面就是增加了新的城市。“您可以期待新的城市,比如安特卫普和埃因霍温,”Jan 告诉我们。“此外,我们还加入了主要的公路网路线,如 A2 高速公路、E40 高速公路的大部分路段以及荷兰风景优美的 N57 公路。

Drivers will also be able to deliver to and from a variety of reworked depots, as well as some new industries such as a sugar beet factory. Don't forget to be on the lookout for new landmarks too!

This rework presents unique challenges for the team, as Jan H explains. "The countries are rich in complex highway infrastructure, waterways, canals, dams, locks, drawbridges and more. The landscape is very specific, ranging from the flat terrain crisscrossed by water canals in the north to the dramatic scenery of the Ardennes in Belgium and Luxembourg."


正如 Jan H 所说,这次重修给团队带来了独特的挑战。“这些国家拥有丰富复杂的公路基础设施、水道、运河、水坝、水闸、吊桥等。从北部水渠纵横交错的平坦地形,到比利时和卢森堡阿登山脉的壮丽景色,地形非常特殊"。

We are sure this project will breathe new life into an important part of the Euro Truck Simulator 2 world. Players can look forward to a region filled with new sights, landmarks, routes and a more faithful depiction of one of Europe’s most fascinating regions.
我们相信,该项目将为《欧洲卡车模拟 2》世界的一个重要部分注入新的活力。玩家可以期待在这个地区看到新的景点、地标、路线,以及对欧洲最迷人地区之一的更忠实描述。


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