
[欧卡2/美卡] 美卡密苏里州DLC:水体

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【来源】:Missouri - Water Bodies

Looking to take a break on the road and enjoy some peaceful time by the water? Today, we're excited to guide you through some of Missouri's most iconic and scenic water bodies, beautifully recreated by our map designers for this upcoming American Truck Simulator map expansion!

The most prominent of these is the Lake of the Ozarks, a large reservoir formed by damming the Osage River. It was created by the Bagnell Dam which was completed in 1931. The lake has an iconic dragon shape when seen from above, and is located in the center of Missouri within the Ozark Mountains. It covers an astonishing area of 54 thousand acres (220 square kilometers).
其中最著名的是奥扎克湖,这是一个通过在奥萨奇河上筑坝而形成的大型水库。它是由 1931 年竣工的巴格内尔大坝形成的。从高处俯瞰,湖面呈标志性的龙形,位于密苏里州中部的奥扎克山脉中。它占地 54000 英亩(220 平方公里),面积惊人。

Another major reservoir included in this map expansion is the Harry S. Truman Dam and Reservoir, situated along the Osage River, just west of the Lake of the Ozarks. This vast body of water spans over 55 thousand acres (225 square kilometers), closely matching the Lake of the Ozarks in surface area.
哈里-杜鲁门大坝和水库(Harry S. Truman Dam and Reservoir)是此次地图扩展中的另一个大型水库,位于奥萨克斯湖西面的奥萨奇河畔。这片广阔的水域面积超过 5.5 万英亩(225 平方公里),与奥扎克湖的水面面积相差无几。

Other than these two reservoirs, the region features a variety of rivers and streams, offering drivers scenic crossings over bridges as they journey through the Show Me State.
除了这两个水库之外,该地区还有各种河流和溪流,驾驶者在穿越 “秀美之州 ”的旅程中,可以在风景优美的桥梁上穿行。

You'll encounter iconic rivers like the Fox, Fabius, and Saint Francis - tributaries feeding into the mighty Mississippi - as well as the Chariton, Grand, and Platte rivers, which wind their way toward the Missouri. Beyond these larger rivers, we've also included local gems like the Weldon, and Whetstone rivers, and a part of the Headwater Diversion Channel, along with some other creeks that make Missouri's terrain so richly textured.
您会遇到福克斯河、法比尤斯河和圣弗朗西斯河等标志性河流--它们是汇入强大的密西西比河的支流--以及查里顿河、大河和普拉特河,它们蜿蜒流向密苏里河。除了这些较大的河流之外,我们还收录了韦尔登河(Weldon)和韦特斯通河(Whetstone)等当地瑰宝,以及水源引水渠(Headwater Diversion Channel)的一部分,还有其他一些使密苏里州地形变得如此丰富多彩的小溪。

[ 因為電腦配置不行,所以本帖最後由 LeoLe1040 於 1919-08-10 11:45:14 編輯 ]


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