Light economy mod for ETS 2 tested on V1.34
truck refund 90%
price small garage: 25000
price garage upgrade: 50000
garage prod plan tiny: 20000
garage prod plan small: 150000
garage prod plan large: 300000
fuel discount in garage: 50%
Job distance limit (in km of real world)
skill distance[0]: 2500
skill distance[1]: 3500
skill distance[2]: 5500
skill distance[3]: 8500
skill distance[4]: 11000
skill distance[5]: 15000
fixed revenue: 1200
revenue per km: 30
exp park bonus: 1000 # bonus for not using the autopark feature on EASY parking spot
exp park bonus medium: 2000 # bonus for not using the autopark feature on MEDIUM parking spot
exp park bonus hard: 3000 # bonus for not using the autopark feature on HARD parking spot