转 斯堪的纳维亚DLC的新资讯与SCS迎来新成员

Unloading cargo - Scania Factory in DLC Scandinavia
卸货 - 斯堪的纳维亚DLC中的斯堪尼亚制造厂

As the release of DLC Scandinavia is getting closer, we decided to give you another sneak peek at a new location included in the update. Today we would like to show off one of the new delivery areas: Scania truck plant in Södertälje, just south of Stockholm. This location and its surroundings have been carefully re-created in cooperation with Scania, allowing us to give you a feeling as if you were coming to the factory yourself.
离斯堪的纳维亚DLC的发布越来越近了,我们决定给你们再来偷偷看看这次地图更新中的一个新的地方。今天,我们要给你们展示其中一个新的货场: 位于Södertälje的斯堪尼亚卡车制造厂,就位于斯德哥尔摩(瑞典首都)的南部。这个地区及其周围地区都是经过了精细的重制,还有和斯堪尼亚的沟通(合作)才最终制作而成,这使得我们能够给你们一个身临其境的感觉。

Check out the picture below for comparison with actual factory entrance.

We also had one of the community's favorite video creators – Squirrel; known by many as creator and host of Sunday Night Trucking show – visiting us in our office today. As you can see, a formal hat and t-shirt exchange had to be made! Paul is a really cool guy, he recorded quite a lot of footage in our office and got a lot of honest answers to his questions. We are looking forward to seeing a video report from his trip to Prague!
我们还聘请了社区上最受喜爱的视频创作者 – Squirrel; 他被许许多多的视频创作者和周日晚卡车秀的主持人所知 – 他在今天拜访了我们的办公室。正如你们所看到的,他戴上了我们的独特的帽子与T恤,这是一定要送给他的。Paul真是一个酷酷的小伙子,他在我们的办公室里拍了很多照片,并且我们诚实地回答了他所提出的问题。我们期待着看到他在布拉格的视频报道!