
[欧卡2/美卡] 欧卡希腊DLC:边境口岸 #1

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欧卡希腊DLC:边境口岸 #1

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【来源】:Greece - Border Crossings #2

Get your documents ready; border control is here! In today's blog, we would like to show you some of the border crossings you will encounter on your way in and out of Greece, the upcoming map expansion for Euro Truck Simulator 2.
准备好您的证件;边境管制来了!在今天的博客中,我们将向您展示一些您在进出希腊时会遇到的边境口岸,这是《欧洲卡车模拟 2》即将推出的地图扩展。

You will be able to get to Greece through six border crossings, but today we will show you three of those so we don't spoil it for you all at once!


Kakavia is a major border crossing between Greece and Albania, meticulously modeled in our game to accurately reflect its real-world counterpart. Numerous smaller details are scattered throughout the area, capturing the true essence of the location, such as the customs regulations building situated in the middle of the crossings.

Níki - Medzhitlija

Located on the E65 Route, the Níki-Medzhitlija border crossing connects Greece with North Macedonia. This crossing has also been custom-made to perfectly resemble its real-life counterpart, as you can see in the screenshots. Historically, it was the southernmost border of Yugoslavia.
尼基-梅日特利亚过境点位于 E65 公路上,连接希腊和北马其顿。正如您在截图中看到的那样,该过境点也经过定制,与现实中的过境点十分相似。历史上,这里曾是南斯拉夫最南端的边境。

Makaza - Nimphaia

Makaza-Nimphaia is a border crossing between Greece and Bulgaria. This mountain pass stands out as one of the smallest border crossings in the game measuring only over 100 metres in length. The border and its surroundings are custom-made as well.
马卡扎-宁法亚是希腊和保加利亚之间的一个边境口岸。这个山口是世界上最小的边境口岸之一,全长仅 100 多米。边境及其周围环境也是定制的。

Keep in mind that this DLC is still a work in progress, but we hope this blog provides a peek into our ongoing efforts. If you're excited about this map expansion, add the Greece DLC to your Steam Wishlist.
请记住,该 DLC 仍在开发过程中,但我们希望通过这篇博客了解我们正在进行的工作。如果您对该地图扩展感到兴奋,请将希腊 DLC 添加到您的Steam愿望单。

[ 本帖最後由 LeoLe1040 於 1919-08-10 11:45:14 編輯

[ 本帖最後由 LeoLe1215 於 2024-9-3 16:10 編輯 ]

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