
[欧卡2/美卡] 欧卡希腊DLC:边境口岸 #2

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欧卡希腊DLC:边境口岸 #2

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【来源】:Greece - Border Crossings #2


Papers, please! In today's blog, we would like to share some more previews of the border crossings you will encounter on your way in and out of Greece, our upcoming map expansion for Euro Truck Simulator 2. Ready to make the crossing? Let's get moving.
请出示文件!在今天的博客中,我们想与大家分享一些在进出希腊时会遇到的边境口岸的预览,这是我们即将推出的《欧洲卡车模拟器 2》的地图扩展。准备好过境了吗?开始行动吧。 


In total, you will come across six border crossings, each of them unique in their own way, in shape and size. If you haven't seen the first part of this blog, showcasing the first 3 crossings, you can check it out here.

Ipsala - Kipoi
伊普萨拉 - 基波伊

The border crossing in İpsala is a major commercial crossing between Greece and Türkiye, and is the largest border crossing area found in the Greece DLC. In real life, this border handles an average 400 trucks a day, featuring its own dedicated road lanes splitting the traffic in half between trucks, cars & buses for the entire length of the crossing.
伊普萨拉 - 基波伊边境口岸是希腊和土耳其之间的主要商业口岸,也是希腊 DLC 中最大的边境口岸区。在现实生活中,这个边境口岸平均每天要处理 400 辆卡车,有自己的专用车道,在整个口岸长度上将卡车、轿车和公共汽车的交通分成两半。

Whilst we don't want to make our players wait for long periods of time in traffic crossing between countries, our team has accurately recreated the crossing area, including the road network and structures built there to handle the busiest crossing points between these two countries.

Bogorodica - Evzoni
博格罗迪察 - 埃夫佐尼

Located on the E75 Route, the Bogorodica - Evzoni border crossing connects Greece with North Macedonia. This border crossing contains the largest number of road lanes for vehicles to pass through in our Greece DLC!
博格罗迪察 - 埃夫佐尼过境点位于 E75 公路上,连接希腊和北马其顿。在我们的希腊 DLC 中,该边境口岸有最多的车道供车辆通过! 

Outside the main border gate on the Greek side, you can find a special lane for trucks, which helps with the flow of traffic. If you are on a Special Transport route, this will also be the dedicated Border Control crossing to pass through!

Kulata - Promachonas
库拉塔 - 普罗马乔纳斯

Regarded as one of the key entry points between the two countries of Bulgaria and Greece, this Border Control crossing is a popular route for tourists and commercial traffic alike. Travellers passing through will go over a bridge that takes drivers over the Pirinska Bistritsa river. This crossing (like all those shown in this blog) have been custom-made to perfectly resemble its real-life counterpart.
作为保加利亚和希腊两国之间的重要入境点之一,这个边境管制口岸是游客和商业运输的热门路线。旅客通过该口岸时要经过一座桥,桥上的驾驶员要跨过 Pirinska Bistritsa 河。这个过境点(就像本博客中展示的所有过境点一样)是定制的,与现实中的过境点非常相似。

We hope you enjoy the detail that has gone into creating these key Border Crossing points in our upcoming Greece DLC for Euro Truck Simulator 2. If you like what you see, then consider supporting us by adding Greece to your Steam Wishlist! Until next time, keep on truckin'.
我们希望您能喜欢我们在即将推出的《欧洲卡车模拟器 2》希腊 DLC 中创建这些关键过境点的细节。如果您喜欢,请考虑将希腊添加到您的Steam愿望单中,以支持我们的工作!下次再见,继续卡车之旅。

[ 本帖最後由 LeoLe1040 於 1919-08-10 11:45:14 編輯 ]

[ 本帖最後由 LeoLe1215 於 2024-9-6 08:13 編輯 ]

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