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【来源】:ATS: Introducing The Fifth Generation Cascadia

We're thrilled to announce the arrival of the The Fifth Generation Cascadia from Freightliner in American Truck Simulator, which is now available to purchase and drive in-game. This release is especially exciting, as we've worked closely with the team at Freightliner to synchronize its real-life premiere and launch with our virtual implementation.
我们非常高兴地宣布,来自 Freightliner 的第五代 Cascadia 将登陆《美国卡车模拟》,现在可以在游戏中购买和驾驶。这次发布尤其令人兴奋,因为我们与 Freightliner 团队密切合作,使其在现实生活中的首发和发布与我们的虚拟实施同步进行。

Ready to hit the road? Let's take a closer look at the newest generation of this iconic on-highway truck.

The Fifth Generation Cascadia is the most advanced on-highway truck Freightliner has ever offered, featuring a cutting edge aerodynamic package with chassis fairings, skirts, cabin extenders, roof fairings, front wheel closeouts and a new aerodynamic hood. These features help streamline airflow and reduce drag, extending the fuel efficiency and range on each journey.
第五代 Cascadia 是 Freightliner 迄今为止最先进的公路用卡车,采用了最先进的空气动力学套件,包括底盘整流罩、裙板、车厢加长件、车顶整流罩、前轮封闭件和新型空气动力学发动机罩。这些功能有助于简化气流和减少阻力,从而提高燃油效率,延长每次旅程的续航里程。

Drivers can also take advantage of the new MirrorEye® digital camera system on the Fifth Generation Cascadia, which provides considerably better vision for the driver, even when light or weather conditions are challenging.
驾驶员还可以利用第五代 Cascadia 上的新型 MirrorEye® 数字摄像系统,即使在光线或天气条件恶劣的情况下,该系统也能为驾驶员提供更好的视野。

The design of The Fifth Generation Cascadia has been inspired and tested by The SuperTruck II, a prototype truck from Freightliner which is used to push the boundaries of Freightliner's vision for sustainable design by optimizing current technologies.
第五代 Cascadia 的设计灵感来源于超级卡车 II,这是 Freightliner 推出的一款原型卡车,用于通过优化现有技术来推动 Freightliner 可持续设计愿景的实现。

We'd like to thank our friends at Freightliner and Daimler Truck North America for allowing us to work with them closely to launch this truck both the real world and virtual American Truck Simulator world with early access reference material. We know our community are going to really enjoy this new addition!
我们要感谢 Freightliner 和 Daimler Truck North America 的朋友们,感谢他们允许我们与他们密切合作,在现实世界和虚拟的《美国卡车模拟器》世界中推出这款卡车,并提供早期访问参考资料。我们知道我们的社区将会非常喜欢这个新成员!

We were also given the opportunity to collect our own reference shots and record sounds with the Fifth Generation Cascadia at the High Desert Proving Ground in Madras, Oregon. We look forward to sharing more about our trip and our time with the Cascadia in a future SCS On The Road episode!
我们还有机会在俄勒冈州马德拉斯的高沙漠试验场收集我们自己的参考照片,并与第五代卡斯卡迪亚一起录制声音。我们期待在今后的 “圣克莱尔在路上 ”节目中与大家分享更多关于我们的旅行以及与卡斯卡迪亚相处的点点滴滴!

It's time to get trucking! We are looking forward to hearing about your first experiences with The Fifth Generation Cascadia from Freightliner. Share with us and Freightliner your screenshots, videos and more, and we'd love to share them. See you on the road!
是时候驾驶卡车了!我们期待了解您使用 Freightliner 第五代 Cascadia 的初次体验。请与我们和 Freightliner 分享您的截图、视频和更多内容,我们非常乐意与您分享。路上见!


[ 本帖最後由 LeoLe1040 於 1919-08-10 11:45:14 編輯 ]


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