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【来源】:Missouri - Truck Stops #2 

Driving into Missouri? Well, don't forget to fill up your tank and enjoy the hospitality of the Show-Me State at one of its many truck stops! We already showed you some of the truck stops in our first blog, but now it is time to uncover the curtain more.


In this blog, we're giving you a sneak peek at six more rest stops waiting for you in Missouri, all meticulously designed by our team to faithfully replicate their real-world counterparts. These stops can be found along major routes such as I-29, U.S. Route 36, or U.S. Route 65, plus a completely brand-new one located just outside Jefferson City.
在本博客中,我们将带您一睹密苏里州等待您的另外六个休息站的风采,所有这些休息站都是由我们的团队精心设计的,忠实再现了现实世界中的对应休息站。这些休息站位于 I-29、美国 36 号公路或美国 65 号公路等主要公路沿线,另外还有一个全新的休息站位于杰斐逊城外。


So don't forget to visit these places when you are hauling cargo in the Show-Me State, grab yourself a coffee and a snack, rest through the night or just take a look around you when not in a rush! As a professional truck driver, we hope these stops will make you feel right at home.

[ 本帖最後由 LeoLe1040 於 1919-08-10 11:45:14 編輯 ]

[ 本帖最後由 LeoLe1215 於 2024-9-3 13:17 編輯 ]

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