
[待解決] 一系列奇奇怪怪的问题



🎃 使用 每天花样蓝屏的Win10 发送

1274 11:45:16 -  -   Error:           Systemfehler.  Code: 8.
??????,????????: TAV 23236
1275 11:45:16 -  -   Error:           Systemfehler.  Code: 8.
??????,????????: map.translate
1276 11:45:16 -  -   Error:           Systemfehler.  Code: 8.
??????,????????: TAV 23226
1277 11:45:16 -  -   Error:           Systemfehler.  Code: 8.
??????,????????: TAV 23228
1278 11:45:16 -  -   Error:           Systemfehler.  Code: 8.
??????,????????: TAV 23236
1279 11:45:17 -  -   Error:           Systemfehler.  Code: 8.
??????,????????: map.translate
1280 11:45:17 -  -   Error:           Systemfehler.  Code: 8.
??????,????????: TAV 23226
1281 11:45:17 -  -   Error:           Systemfehler.  Code: 8.
??????,????????: TAV 23228
1282 11:45:17 -  -   Error:           Systemfehler.  Code: 8.
??????,????????: TAV 23236
11617 11:46:54 -  -     Warning:       Sound load: Error while creating DS Sound Buffer, E_OUTOFMEMORY
11618 11:46:54 -  -     Warning:       Sound vehicles\MB_O530\sound\D_Axle_last_246.wav could not be loaded! - Error: The DirectSound subsystem could not allocate sufficient memory to complete the caller磗 request. (-2147024882)
11619 11:46:54 -  -     Warning:       Sound load: Error while creating DS Sound Buffer, E_OUTOFMEMORY
11620 11:46:54 -  -     Warning:       Sound vehicles\MB_O530\sound\D_Axle_last_316.wav could not be loaded! - Error: The DirectSound subsystem could not allocate sufficient memory to complete the caller磗 request. (-2147024882)
11621 11:46:54 -  -     Warning:       Sound load: Error while creating DS Sound Buffer, E_OUTOFMEMORY
11622 11:46:54 -  -     Warning:       Sound vehicles\MB_O530\sound\D_Axle_last_246.wav could not be loaded! - Error: The DirectSound subsystem could not allocate sufficient memory to complete the caller磗 request. (-2147024882)
11623 11:46:54 -  -     Warning:       Sound load: Error while creating DS Sound Buffer, E_OUTOFMEMORY
11689 11:47:09 -  -     Warning:       Texture "Sceneryobjects\Ruede\Texture\werbungen\fromInternet_7.tga" failed!
11690 11:47:09 -  -     Warning:       Texturladen - Direct9 Error: D3DXERR_INVALIDDATA (-2005529767)
11691 11:47:09 -  -     Warning:       Texture "Sceneryobjects\Ruede\texture\Tree_Street_01.tga" failed!
11692 11:47:09 -  -     Warning:       Texturladen - Direct9 Error: D3DXERR_INVALIDDATA (-2005529767)
11693 11:47:09 -  -     Warning:       Texture "vehicles\Citr_BX\texture\envmap.bmp" failed!
11694 11:47:09 -  -     Warning:       Texturladen - Direct9 Error: D3DXERR_INVALIDDATA (-2005529767)
11695 11:47:09 -  -     Warning:       Texture "vehicles\Citr_BX\texture\BX_T.tga" failed!
[ 本帖最后由 qiqiqi12345 于 2022-7-15 12:51 编辑 ]
屏幕截图 2022-07-15 114743.png (512.37 KB)

2022-7-15 11:54

屏幕截图 2022-07-15 114743.png

logfile.txt (1.03 MB)

2022-7-15 12:51, 下載次數: 87

🎃 使用 iPad 发送


🎃 使用 十分流暢的 Win11 发送


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🎃 使用 每天花样蓝屏的Win10 发送

