
SCS官方 新公布 World of Trucks v0.01

SCS官方 新公布 World of Trucks v0.01

World of Trucks start is almost here. After two re-starts, we have finally got the project to a state (alpha state!) that we are eager to show you and to test drive it with you.

To begin with - World of Trucks is not a whole new game. Well not now anyway. Think about it as an evolution of Euro Truck Simulator 2, an extra optional service complementing the game and building on top of the game.

Certain future DLCs and certain features in upcoming game updates will take advantage of the additional World of Trucks layer, in fact some goals we will be pursuing will be tightly connected with World of Trucks, as we expect it to be more and more strategic in the grand scheme of things.

With World of Trucks, we are taking a shortcut building it on and around an existing game. The route should allow us to iterate faster, to deliver features and content more often, at least compared to a building a game from scratch. You may remember that it took us almost three years in case of ETS2 after all! We sure don't want to let you wait so long for some of the cool stuff we are planning.

We will be continually plugging-in new features into the service as they get implemented, so you will be able to witness the progress and if you choose to, become an integral part of its development and evolution. Such approach requires an overhaul and adaptation of our own development processes, which is still an on-going effort (you have been the judges of that while waiting for such a long time for the mid-summer patch). We hope the further it goes into 2014, the better will be be at it.

So, finally, this week the www.worldoftrucks.com portal will start working. Using your ETS2 key (or via provided Steam link), you will be able to register at the website and begin using some new features of ETS2. Let's have a closer look at "v0.01 stage" features:

1. Custom license plates

Using a selection of templates from countries featured in ETS2, you would be able to design your own plate. This new plate, after setting in up on the website, will automagically appear on your truck in the game.

2. Game avatar

You will be able to upload custom image serving as your in-game avatar. This avatar image will also be your representative on the World of Trucks portal.

3. Photomode

We have a new more advanced tool available if you want to grab cool screenshots from the game. You can pan the camera freely in the vicinity of the truck, play with DOF and change FOV. There is a also a management screen to work with your screenshots collection.

4. Publish the best shots using Screenshot Manager on your WoTr profile

Would you like to share your truck design with others, or maybe you want to share a particularly interesting route? Now you will be able to publish up to six screenshots using the built-in Screenshot Manager and share them with the others through your Profile screen.

5. User gallery

The place where your shots are visible for everybody. The other drivers can rate or share the images. The gallery will be accessible for unregistered users as well.

You can see that with the initial set of features, we do not yet attempt to add any gameplay depth. The goal is to start carefully, getting the infrastructure up and running first.

We hope to see you soon in the World of Trucks! It will be a quite a journey, we will be taking it step by step. Stay tuned for more!


[ 本帖最後由 SEN002 於 2013-10-14 23:01 編輯 ]





都英文  看不懂

额 這個是新的版本吗〜〜19〜 〜〜19〜

什么啊 难道是mod吗


GTA4汽车十宗罪: 1。汽车没了油箱,没办法一枪打爆炸…… 2。没办法给车里面仍手雷……对着窗户扔进去直接弹飞…… 3。对汽车扔燃烧弹,着火了!一会后自己熄灭…… 4。汽车着火后,冲到消防栓那里,水冲车却不能灭火…… 5。汽车有无轮胎没有区别……只有车枯栌一样奔跑…… 6。刹车系统完全是摆设,第一路口刹车能到第三路口都刹不住…… 7。摩托车都能有头盔,汽车连安全带都没有,何况是安全汽囊!撞车直接从前面飞出去…… 8。如果跳到其他NPC车子上,行驶一段距离后主角自动死亡…… 9。下雨天,雨刷不动…… 10。开车的时候不用换弹夹……

原帖由 lomankit 於 2013-10-14 23:43 發表
going east被您华丽地无视了~~~



這應該是mod!ETS2官方繼going east DLC後再推出世界卡車模擬DLC!!不知道會新增什麼內容






我是新人 什么对不会啊  ,亲自打字回复我需要的MDO进行下载

