
[巴士] 【转】以抽防抽(Renault / Karosa)Irisbus Citybus 18M v0.1

【转】以抽防抽(Renault / Karosa)Irisbus Citybus 18M v0.1

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main.zip (2.22 KB) .bus文件(必须下!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

发布者: Jakub Woletz
作者: VonShark
Ten autobus oparty jest na oryginalnym modelu autobusu Renault / Karosa , który stworzył Kosak. W tworzeniu pomagał użytkownik Lukasek1973.
Jest to wersja 0.1

Včera v pozdních hodinách večer vyšel kloubový Citybus od VonSharka. Jedná se o přepracované modely od Kosaka.

Tyto dva modely vycházejí z původního modelu autobusu Renault/Karosa Citybus, které vytvořil Kosák. Na úpravách se mnou spolupracuje Lukasek1973, autor kloubových Karos, které jsou rovněž v přípravě. Zde jsou informace o 18M verzi, která je k dispozici ke stažení ve verzi 0.1, na konci příspěvku:

1. Model trpí nemocí původního modelu – díry. Celý autobus bude optimalizován, protože obsahuje až příliš mnoho zbytečných polygonů, momentálně je to věc, na které pracuji. Karoserie autobusu je kompletně vysmoothována tam, kde má být, dosazeno nové víko motoru, které ale není děrované, nýbrž řešené fototexturou, což mám v plánu na celý model, kde se to hodí, aby se ušetřily polygony. Ale ještě ho budu muset upravit, neodpovídá tvar.

2. Jsou vyměněny tyče/madla, ty původní z krátké verze autobusu, nemělo smysl upravovat, protože byly multipolygonové (cca 20000 poly), vymodeloval jsem nové, již optimalizované.

3. Kola autobusu byly taktéž multipolygonové, použil jsem kola z Martyho/Daniela Karosky B951/E, ty jsou optimalizované. O tom, zda tyto kola autobus skutečně v realitě má, jsem se přesvědčil, že ano, jak někdo tvrdil, že se tyto kola na Citybus 12M/18M nikdy nedávaly. Maximálně mají jiný profil pneumatik, nýbrž ráfky jsou stejné. Dál o tom nechci slyšet a nechci a nebudu o tom diskutovat.

4. Interiér – Celkově na tom je ještě spousta práce, vpředu musím ještě upravit přechod z vysoké podlahy na nízkou (je to jen blbě ohnutý), chybí sklápěcí plošina, na prošině jsou sedačky, které mají být sklápěcí, jsou tam dané prozatimně klasické. Modelově kabina řidiče nebyla nijak pozměněna, jen byl dosazen JKZ/Mypol z Karosky B951/E, včetně vnitřních panelů BUSE (ty jsou momentálně vyřazeny z provozu, protože mám špatně nakonfigurovaný animovaný text). Vzadu nahoře, zatím, chybí brzdová a směrová světla

5. Model je prozatímně namapovaný z původních textur 12M verze, tudíž připomínám, že na model nemá smysl dělat repainty. Vše bude kompletně přepracováno na nové textury.

6. Zvuky – Jediné, co je zvukově na tomto busu reálné, tak pouze startér a volnoběh (a to ještě blbě, musí se to vyladit), ostatní zvuky motoru je zvuk z MANů NL/NG, které jsem ale mírně „vytunil“, takže kdo máte slušný subwoofer, to zaručeně pozná. Zvuky dveří jsou z modifikace od Kopecka a jeho kolegy, zvuky výstrahy a ostatní jsou převzaty zatím z Karosy B951/E.

7. Skripty – Celý autobus je postaven na skriptech Karosky B951/E, s nezbytnými úpravami, apeluji tímto na prozatímní automatickou zastávkovou brzdu. Venkovní BUSE plně funkční, přepisovatelná ev. č.

Dále – Čelní sklo – po konverzi původního se strašně znehodnotila kvalita, použil jsem celkové, takže není rozpůlené a pokud zapnete stěrače, tak vám zmizí kapky z celého skla. Zevnitř se kapky neobjevují vůbec – musím to celé opravit. Víko nádrže má být užší a delší, také to musím opravit. Dále se pak musí dodělat tyče nad kloubem, ty střešní kryty tam sice už jsou, ale není to kompletní. Stejně, jako točna kloubu – podlaha, musí se dát jiná textura, je tam nyní textura podlahy, v reálu je tam hrbolkatý plech. Autobus momentálně lze dohromady obsadit 70-ti sedícími/stojícími cestujícími.

Nahlášena chyba – člen DextCz – pokud se vám na autobusu neobjeví textura kloubu (kloub bude bílý), zmenšete texturu „EXT_B941.jpg“ z rozlišení 2048×2048 na 1024×1024. Tato textura bude převedena do *.tga a zahrnuta do aktualizace. Děkujeme!

Aktualizace: Na vaši žádost je zde fix na zpětná zrcátka, která vrátí jejich plnou funkčnost. Archiv rozbalte do složky s autobusem, soubor nechte přepsat.
12M verze autobusu, je v raném stádiu vývoje, zatím není v takové fázi, aby ho bylo možné vydat.





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[ 本帖最後由 cc果卷 於 2015-8-19 22:03 編輯 ]
  • justinyau36 膜仔通汇 +4 2015-8-11 12:57 精品文章

thx for sharing







回復 6號車# 的帖子





thanks alot

569 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename IBIS2Tex.tga not found in mesh file !
570 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename adriver2.bmp not found in mesh file !
571 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename tyce2.bmp not found in mesh file !
572 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename adriver3.bmp not found in mesh file !
573 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename adriver2.bmp not found in mesh file !
574 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename adriver2.bmp not found in mesh file !
575 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename td.bmp not found in mesh file !
576 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename lights.bmp not found in mesh file !
577 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename lights.bmp not found in mesh file !
578 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename lights.bmp not found in mesh file !
579 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename adriver3.bmp not found in mesh file !
580 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename lights.bmp not found in mesh file !
581 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename adriver3.bmp not found in mesh file !
582 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename palubka.bmp not found in mesh file !
583 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename adriver.bmp not found in mesh file !
584 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename D92_Panel.bmp not found in mesh file !
585 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename lights.bmp not found in mesh file !
586 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename adriver.bmp not found in mesh file !
587 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename adriver.bmp not found in mesh file !
588 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename lights.bmp not found in mesh file !
589 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename lights.bmp not found in mesh file !
590 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename lights.bmp not found in mesh file !
591 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename lights.bmp not found in mesh file !
592 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename lights.bmp not found in mesh file !
593 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename lights.bmp not found in mesh file !
594 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename lights.bmp not found in mesh file !
595 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename lights.bmp not found in mesh file !
596 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename lights.bmp not found in mesh file !
597 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename lights.bmp not found in mesh file !
598 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename lights.bmp not found in mesh file !
599 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename lights.bmp not found in mesh file !
600 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename lights.bmp not found in mesh file !
601 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename lights.bmp not found in mesh file !
602 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename lights.bmp not found in mesh file !
603 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename lights.bmp not found in mesh file !
604 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename lights.bmp not found in mesh file !
605 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename lights.bmp not found in mesh file !
606 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename lights.bmp not found in mesh file !
607 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename lights.bmp not found in mesh file !
608 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename mypol.bmp not found in mesh file !
609 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename IBIS2Tex.tga not found in mesh file !
610 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename IBIS2Tex.tga not found in mesh file !
611 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename Matrix_Lin_S.bmp not found in mesh file !
612 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename Matrix_Ziel_font.bmp not found in mesh file !
613 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename Matrix_Ziel_font.bmp not found in mesh file !
614 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename svetlo.bmp not found in mesh file !
615 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename svetlo.bmp not found in mesh file !
616 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename svetlo.bmp not found in mesh file !
617 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename int_list.bmp not found in mesh file !
618 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename svet_p.bmp not found in mesh file !
619 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename svet_p.bmp not found in mesh file !
620 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename svet_p.bmp not found in mesh file !
621 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename svet_p.bmp not found in mesh file !
622 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename Svetla.tga not found in mesh file !
623 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename Svetla.tga not found in mesh file !
624 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename adriver2.bmp not found in mesh file !
625 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename lights.bmp not found in mesh file !
626 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename adriver2.bmp not found in mesh file !
627 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename lights.bmp not found in mesh file !
628 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename kar_trans.tga not found in mesh file !
629 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename kar01.tga not found in mesh file !
630 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename kar01_int.tga not found in mesh file !
631 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename sklo_d.tga not found in mesh file !
632 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename kar_trans.tga not found in mesh file !
633 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename kar01.tga not found in mesh file !
634 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename kar01_int.tga not found in mesh file !
635 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename sklo_d.tga not found in mesh file !
636 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename kar_trans.tga not found in mesh file !
637 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename kar01.tga not found in mesh file !
638 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename kar01_int.tga not found in mesh file !
639 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename sklo_d.tga not found in mesh file !
640 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename kar_trans.tga not found in mesh file !
641 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename kar01.tga not found in mesh file !
642 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename kar01_int.tga not found in mesh file !
643 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename sklo_d.tga not found in mesh file !
644 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename lights.bmp not found in mesh file !
645 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename lights.bmp not found in mesh file !
646 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename kar.bmp not found in mesh file !
647 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename IBIS2Tex.tga not found in mesh file !
648 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename IBIS2Tex.tga not found in mesh file !
649 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename IBIS2Tex.tga not found in mesh file !
650 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename IBIS2Tex.tga not found in mesh file !
651 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename IBIS2Tex.tga not found in mesh file !
652 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename IBIS2Tex.tga not found in mesh file !
653 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename sklo_int.tga not found in mesh file !
654 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename sklo_int.tga not found in mesh file !
655 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename sklo_i.tga not found in mesh file !
656 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename sklo.tga not found in mesh file !
657 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename Fenster.tga not found in mesh file !
658 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename Fenster_int.tga not found in mesh file !
659 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename sklo_d.tga not found in mesh file !
660 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename sklo_d.tga not found in mesh file !
661 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename sklo_d.tga not found in mesh file !
662 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename spina.tga not found in mesh file !
663 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename spina.tga not found in mesh file !
664 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename wischwasser.tga not found in mesh file !
665 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename wischwasser.tga not found in mesh file !
666 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename wischwasser.tga not found in mesh file !
667 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename wischwasser.tga not found in mesh file !
668 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename kar_trans.tga not found in mesh file !
669 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename kar01.tga not found in mesh file !
670 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename kar01_int.tga not found in mesh file !
671 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename sklo_d.tga not found in mesh file !
672 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename kar_trans.tga not found in mesh file !
673 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename kar01.tga not found in mesh file !
674 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename kar01_int.tga not found in mesh file !
675 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename sklo_d.tga not found in mesh file !
676 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename kar_trans.tga not found in mesh file !
677 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename kar01.tga not found in mesh file !
678 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename kar01_int.tga not found in mesh file !
679 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename sklo_d.tga not found in mesh file !
680 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename kar_trans.tga not found in mesh file !
681 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename kar01.tga not found in mesh file !
682 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename kar01_int.tga not found in mesh file !
683 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename sklo_d.tga not found in mesh file !
684 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename kar_trans.tga not found in mesh file !
685 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename kar01.tga not found in mesh file !
686 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename kar01_int.tga not found in mesh file !
687 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename sklo_d.tga not found in mesh file !
688 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename kar01.tga not found in mesh file !
689 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename sklo_d.tga not found in mesh file !
690 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename kar01.tga not found in mesh file !
691 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename sklo_d.tga not found in mesh file !
692 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename sklo.tga not found in mesh file !
693 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename kar_trans.tga not found in mesh file !
694 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename kar01.tga not found in mesh file !
695 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename sklo_d.tga not found in mesh file !
696 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename kar_trans.tga not found in mesh file !
697 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename kar01.tga not found in mesh file !
698 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename sklo_d.tga not found in mesh file !
699 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename IBIS2Tex.tga not found in mesh file !
700 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename IBIS2Tex.tga not found in mesh file !
701 02:19:55 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\1.cfg: texture filename Shadow.tga not found in mesh file !
702 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       Don't find any files in vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\Texture\rep
703 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename IBIS2Tex.tga not found in mesh file !
704 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename adriver2.bmp not found in mesh file !
705 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename tyce2.bmp not found in mesh file !
706 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename adriver3.bmp not found in mesh file !
707 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename adriver2.bmp not found in mesh file !
708 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename lights.bmp not found in mesh file !
709 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename adriver2.bmp not found in mesh file !
710 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename lights.bmp not found in mesh file !
711 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename adriver2.bmp not found in mesh file !
712 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename svetlo.bmp not found in mesh file !
713 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename svetlo.bmp not found in mesh file !
714 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename adriver2.bmp not found in mesh file !
715 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename Matrix_Lin_S.bmp not found in mesh file !
716 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename Matrix_Ziel_font.bmp not found in mesh file !
717 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename Matrix_Ziel_font.bmp not found in mesh file !
718 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename kar_trans.tga not found in mesh file !
719 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename kar01.tga not found in mesh file !
720 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename kar01_int.tga not found in mesh file !
721 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename sklo_d.tga not found in mesh file !
722 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename kar_trans.tga not found in mesh file !
723 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename kar01.tga not found in mesh file !
724 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename kar01_int.tga not found in mesh file !
725 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename sklo_d.tga not found in mesh file !
726 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename kar_trans.tga not found in mesh file !
727 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename kar01.tga not found in mesh file !
728 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename kar01_int.tga not found in mesh file !
729 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename sklo_d.tga not found in mesh file !
730 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename kar_trans.tga not found in mesh file !
731 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename kar01.tga not found in mesh file !
732 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename kar01_int.tga not found in mesh file !
733 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename sklo_d.tga not found in mesh file !
734 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename svet_z.bmp not found in mesh file !
735 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename Svetla.tga not found in mesh file !
736 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename Svetla.tga not found in mesh file !
737 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename lights.bmp not found in mesh file !
738 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename lights.bmp not found in mesh file !
739 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename kar.bmp not found in mesh file !
740 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename svet_z.bmp not found in mesh file !
741 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename IBIS2Tex.tga not found in mesh file !
742 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename IBIS2Tex.tga not found in mesh file !
743 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename IBIS2Tex.tga not found in mesh file !
744 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename IBIS2Tex.tga not found in mesh file !
745 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename IBIS2Tex.tga not found in mesh file !
746 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename sklo_int.tga not found in mesh file !
747 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename kar_trans.tga not found in mesh file !
748 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename kar01.tga not found in mesh file !
749 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename kar01_int.tga not found in mesh file !
750 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename sklo_d.tga not found in mesh file !
751 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename kar_trans.tga not found in mesh file !
752 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename kar01.tga not found in mesh file !
753 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename kar01_int.tga not found in mesh file !
754 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename sklo_d.tga not found in mesh file !
755 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename kar_trans.tga not found in mesh file !
756 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename kar01.tga not found in mesh file !
757 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename sklo_d.tga not found in mesh file !
758 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename kar_trans.tga not found in mesh file !
759 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename kar01.tga not found in mesh file !
760 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename sklo_d.tga not found in mesh file !
761 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename kar01.tga not found in mesh file !
762 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename sklo_d.tga not found in mesh file !
763 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename IBIS2Tex.tga not found in mesh file !
764 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename IBIS2Tex.tga not found in mesh file !
765 02:19:56 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Irisbus_Citybus_18M\model\2.cfg: texture filename Shadow.tga not found in mesh file !



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