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需要下载的Addon: Bad Huegelsdorf 2020 Berlin X10 Bremen North Hamburg Day & Night Rheinhausen
This fictional suburban map is set in the northern edge of Central Germany in the Rhein-Main transport association.Included are 11 driveable regular buslines.The course and timetables emphasize absolute regional realism: through extra and branch trips, school trips, factory traffic and gaps in the intervals.In addition, a realistic distribution of the circulation between subcontractors and main contractors as well as compliance with the legal breaks are guaranteed.The installation is only suitable for experienced OMSI users. A corresponding number of addons, both pay and freeware, are required.A list of download-links for the freeware addons is included in the readme. We will add a new one if many users search for a special object.Please use "OMSI Map Tools" after extracting the download to see the addons you will stil need. For the AI-traffic you need the following buses: V3D A20, Solaris BVG, Scania Citywide GN14, BHD A25 and Bremen A21 We will upload our readme.pdf soon in the webdisk, so you can see how many addons you still need.We say thank you to all helpers in the background.
百度机翻: 这张虚构的郊区地图位于德国中部的北部边缘,位于莱茵-梅因运输协会。包括11条可驾驶的常规公交线路。课程和时间表强调绝对的区域现实主义:通过额外的和分支旅行、学校旅行、工厂交通和间隔时间的差距。此外,确保分包商和主要承包商之间的流通分配以及遵守法律规定。该安装仅适用于经验丰富的OMSI用户。需要相应数量的付费和免费插件。自述文件中包含了免费软件插件的下载链接列表。如果许多用户搜索一个特殊对象,我们将添加一个新对象。提取下载后,请使用“OMSI地图工具”查看您仍然需要的插件。 对于AI交通,您需要以下巴士:V3D A20、Solaris BVG、斯堪尼亚市GN14、BHD A25和不来梅A21 我们将上传自述文件。pdf很快就会出现在webdisk中,所以你可以看到你还需要多少插件。我们向后台的所有助手表示感谢。
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