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標題: [欧卡2交流] 法國,先睹為快 [打印本页]

作者: hugoalh    時間: 2016-3-11 22:31     標題: 法國,先睹為快

France Sneak Peek
Bonjour truckers!卓越的卡車司機!

We are on the verge of releasing open betas for a new update of both ETS2 and ATS, but we still need to iron out a few details and go through another internal testing pass or two to make sure that there are no profile-breaking issues.我們已經在努力地製作並且準備釋放歐卡2和美卡的新公眾測試版,但是我們仍然需要化解一些細節,並且通過另一、兩個內部測試以確保沒有存檔損壞的問題。

So instead of talking Open Beta already, let us show you a little bit of new France that we are working on for Euro Truck Simulator 2. These are a bit raw screenshots where you still can see some placeholder models, a sort of a peek behind the shoulder of a map designer as he still keeps working on his area. Our goal with the new map DLC is to improve the feel of authenticity once again compared to any of our previous work.另外,讓我們向你們展示歐卡2的新法國,圖片中展示了一些佔位車輛,而且地圖設計師還在他的地區努力工作。我們的目標是使用DLC去把地圖更真實化。

作者: 旺财狗    時間: 2016-3-12 00:37

作者: 小達卡    時間: 2016-3-12 03:40

