
[預告] 俄国大作【Перевозчик】前瞻





       照图片级视频看来,斟酌了许久也搞不清此游戏是属于哪类型的游戏,感觉好像是竞赛+模拟驾驶+GTA似的,我也不知道了,不过有一点应该可以肯定这游戏制作水平还是挺高的,算是个大作...这个从图片及视频里足以证明,建议大家看看那个88MB的视频吧就知道!估计游戏是以莫斯科城作为平台,真实再现这个北国大城的人文风情哦..........至于详细怎样我就不知咯 ^+^

一、游戏高清视频88 MB。请点击此下载!


[url=]Time out is completed, project leaves from the shadow[/url]
Moscow. As it is much in this sound… The capital - pilot play location, on which the methods and technologies sharpen, are allowed and are corrected [lyapy], blasphemous experiments are conducted and generally such is created, what to God forbid see in reality
This is the city, which from one side is very complex for the reproduction, and - it we know well even we love with another; therefore we want to make to excellently and as a result on [mnogu] of times we alter. In October 2008, Moscow takes the form of megapolis constructed from all sides. Only cranes and bulldozers are not sufficient.
Are completed all roads of the capital, all bridges, tunnels and decouplings. Now we much drive and fly above them, revealing the [neprorabotannye] places and being surprised at ourselves: here this of [otgrokhali] territory! Well as it to now fill? In whom it will be sufficient patience to cover in the game such distances? But as the saying goes “not to step back, Moscow after us! ”, decrease we will not be, but means output only one - to make this peace that saturated, complex, dynamic, briefly interesting.
Here are the most known streets, the areas, the roads, which already entered the game:

  • The Sadovoye Kol'tso [Moscow ringroad]
  • Avenue of the peace
  • Yaroslavl highway
  • Tagan area
  • Area of three train stations
  • Volgograd Avenue
  • Kashira highway
  • Warsaw highway
  • Leniniskiy Prospekt
  • Avenue Of the [vernadskogo]
  • Kutuzovskiy is the avenue
  • Leningrad avenue
  • Leningrad highway
  • [Dmitrovskoe] highway
  • [ul].[Novyy] Arbat
  • [ul].[Bolshaya] [Yakimanka]
  • the 3rd transport ring
  • Airports Vnukovo, Domodedovo, Sheremet'yevo Airport
  • [MKAD]
Immediately request, who his region in the list did not find wait [reliza], do not throw anger to the forum, much is planned to [addony], it is known - Moscow immediately was not built.
Today most studied is the center section of the city, from the garden to [TTK]. It the most complex: old buildings, bridges, monuments and the like sections [TTK]-[MKAD] are created more easily.
Of course places are shown very selectively, only those that they take the more- less acceptable for the demonstration form.

I will specially pay attention to airports. We could not go around by their side, once we do make entire city, then as leave it without the air harbors? But now, if you please: where you will deign to fly? Yes on what to fly that? As, as! You do not hear perhaps the rumble of turbines? Here [aeroflotovskaya] small carcass approaches for landing to Sheremet'yevo Airport, altitude 747- y gains into Domodedovo, and into Vnukovo taxis transport “IL”. To you into the passenger terminal or to the cargo storage? Be oriented on the indicators.

Well here, we drove away into the airport, had time in time, time to return, and [benzinchik] that already on zero, here and lamp caught fire. Where here we have petroleum products wholesale and retail? We pass left servicing, search for qualitative fuel-. AZS of well-known company will approach. What on the price? It is normal for Moscow, we drop in.
Tank is complete, order! Now it is possible to press, road to the side of center is in the evening free. What there for the teapot on the separating, it found, where to arise?! Op- pA! How do you do comrade is Lieutenant! Aha, I to you also very rad that there your instrument does show? How much- it is how much?
Already soon [MKAD]. Where to me? [MKAD] THE SOUTH or [MKAD] THE NORTH? Here they did devise, from where I do know, it can to me another compass in the machine bring? You do not philosophize, you by finger show
It grows dark. Beacons in the twilights to see from a distance; therefore let us take more to the right, let us give the road of fast.

What still did occur from the spring?

  • They finally replaced physics. Now all processes processes the cursor by the name Of havok, similar company. If this little about which speaks, then precisely it was used in TDU, and then two additional ten known games.
  • Almost completed the system of the dynamic change of the time of day, results, I hope, they are noticeable on [skrinakh], although before the correct illumination it is there still far.
  • They finally broke in two the problem of optimization. Programmers with [profaylerom] in the hands sorted out all modules and many they rewrote. Result - the enormous peace of game began much more rapidly to be loaded and several times grew FPS. Now already it is possible to drive throughout the world, but not to include on the turn separate regions.
  • In the work the new menu of game is found, something from there I so assumed into the gallery.
  • It was added machines in the garage of player, now it is possible to sit down at the control of wagon. They altered Venyukovsky Fittings Plant 2106.
  • They achieved some successes, also, on the field of the licensing of machines.
  • Patrol machines substantially grew smart, although this it is nevertheless small, to learn them to still and learn, as immortal leader bequeathed.
  • Is integrated the sonic cursor Of fmod, soon game [zazvuchit] in a new way.

But which is in front?

  • In October - November is planned the fine adjustment of physics of automobiles, we will use real automobiles, this there will be one of the most interesting stages of work.
  • Is not completed thus far the system of the change of weather.
  • In infancy the thus far new model of traffic. It completely is processed. At play logic, study of missions, by the economy to also still work and to work.
Surely all already did surmise what I I do drive at? Accurately. It is however it's a pity, and we transfer the periods of output for the following year. Now to me they will certainly recollect previous promises, history Of [dalnoboyshchikov] and stalker, and I will answer… that you are unconditionally right. But what with you is output? Year ago we honestly intended to make a game, only slightly [pererabotav] “3d instructor”. In the process of work alien new vision, by the way, in many respects because of the contact with the worshippers of future game. On how much it will prove to be accurate, time will show. Can and actually it was not worthwhile vegetable-garden to enclose, but to make on the rapid for half a year A -[lya] Of need of for Of russia, as completely competent people advised us. Already and money would earn and promises carried out.
From the other side, as is known, worthy games are created not because of such councils, but in spite of; therefore we continue to make qualitative game we henceforth promise to regularly publish diaries.


Before you write to us everything that you think, take into consideration that none of represented [skrinov] demonstrates neither final drawing nor [geympley]. These are only the intermediate results, by which we share with you.
In any event we want to learn, that you about this think; therefore are greeted any opinions.


You did look film “ferryman”? Then they much will become understandable without the
excess explanations. You - driver. No, thus: DRIVER!
You can transport anything and where it is convenient in any machine.
You - professional with the enormous experience, to you on the arm any task!
You work in the enormous city, in the large country. You convey loads and passengers, in
the different machines, up to the different distances. The primary task of delivering
everything in time, in the soundness and the safety.
But if time it is small? But if plug or militia cordons on the roads?
But if gasoline on the outcome or was overheated motor? Here these are already your
problems, it depends on your resourcefulness and driver craftsmanship, you will remain to
bomb after the control of rusty “six” or you will pass into the discharge “of the strong
of the peace this” and you will change seats into the luxurious foreign-produced brand.
“Ferryman” - game in the genre automobile simulator, not having straight analogs!
Enormous play peace covers large Russian cities and federal routes. The park of
transportation means is very diverse: from the cars and the extra-roads builder to the
heavy trucks and the buses. Machines correspond precisely to real prototypes by exterior
view, by interior and by control. All domestic machines in the game - license.
The chief characteristic of game is the realistic reproduction of the automobile peace in
the megapolis and of the special features of the work of professional drivers. Word “peace
” is selected not randomly, since for the huge amount of machines in the city appropriate
to conduct analogy with certain civilization, which lives according to its laws, official
and unwritten rules, that has its people, which must fulfill laws, punitive organs, which
track after the law, criminals, who disrupt the law and many other characteristic features
of large [sotsiuma]. Each, who sits down herself for the control, must know the rules of
life, otherwise he will not be able to survive in the world ON THE WHEELS.
To begin game it is necessary with simple [vodiloy] in the old machine, struggling loads or
passengers and earning half copeck coins. Plug light signals do not have to the dynamic
ride and the big salaries… So it is possible to work entire life, with difficulty reducing
the ends with the ends. But indeed life - this is lottery and if we in time grasp chance,
then it is possible to be taken away very highly. Do not miss chance to earn well and to
purchase new machine. Only strong and daring will achieve the success in this severe peace
of machines!
To observe with the driving [PDD] - this is your private affair. [Zastukaet] patrol or road
radar - you will fall on penalty, and that will be deprived of rights. However, patrol
machine always cannot you overtake, especially if you - professional. Can to feature all
conditionalities? Selection after you.
After becoming experimental driver, [prokachav] the skill to drive accident free, player
obtains proposal to pass to the work into the organs of the national security, where for it
is necessary to carry out secret missions. It can more not worry about the expenditures for
the maintenance of machine. Money cease to have a value, in the first place leaves the
accomplishment of mission by any price, which requires high driver craftsmanship.
Special features of the game:
enormous play space, the total length of roads comprises more than 500 km;
in detail modelled cities (in the first version Moscow and Saint Petersburg);
12 automobiles of the player of all types, from the cars to the trucks and the buses;
a maximally reliable reproduction of exterior view and interior of automobiles;
realistic physics of automobiles;
external [tyuning] and the modernization of the internal units of machines;
diverse automobile traffic (more than 50 models);
the [neavtomobilnyy] traffic: aircraft, train, ships;
moved AI of the machines of traffic;
inspector and patrol machines [DPS];
contingency situations on the roads: [DTP], repair work, congestions;
special tasks for the mission of the agent of national security;
2 levels of complexity - simulator/arcade;
the dynamic change of the time of day;
the dynamic change of weather conditions;
the qualitative sonic effects, recorded with the use of real prototypes of technology.

The release of game is planned in 2009.

[ 本帖最後由 tonyzhong 於 2008-10-4 22:45 編輯 ]

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[ 本帖最後由 tonyzhong 於 2008-10-4 23:16 編輯 ]
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支持  严重支持!!  画面不错啊~~



支持  严重支持!!  画面不错啊~~
  • henry999 -5 2008-12-7 10:00 重複發帖
  • henry999 -5 2008-12-7 10:00 重複發帖

