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[美卡交流] 全文翻译10月22日SCS公司CEO接受采访内容——美卡2016年发布



Dariusz Matusiak (Gamepressure.com)问道: 在个别国家,欧卡2的人气甚至高过那些预算几百万美刀的AAA游戏,你们是怎么做到的?

Pavel Sebor (欧卡2开发商SCS公司CEO): 老实的说,我们也不知道! 也许是得益于我们已经在这一领域苦心经营了十年吧,逐渐积累了一大批铁杆粉丝. 另一方面是由于欧卡2有了质的飞跃,所以逐渐迈向主流的行列 – 按当今的标准评价,绝对是个不错的游戏了。再者,这也是我们重视社交平台的应有收获吧。我们透过各种社交平台推送大量的游戏新鲜消息,并倾听大众反馈,让游戏玩家与我们之间的关系更加紧密。由此便形成了滚雪球的作用: 看到朋友在玩欧卡2的人,也会被吸引过来玩。雪球就是这样滚起来的。当然了,游戏本身的超高质量才是让玩家对游戏爱不释手的重中之重。我再多说一点:steam平台会显示每个欧卡2玩家一共玩了多少多少小时,这会让看到记录的朋友们有一种去超越的冲动。


我觉得至少还会有四、五年的,因为美卡和欧卡就像兄弟姐妹一样。如果我们将重心切换到美卡上面,欧洲玩家会恨我们的!所以我们干脆将这二者同步:美卡开发出的新特性会直接搬到欧卡2上面,作为其更新内容,让二者在某些方面基本保持一致。我们的目标是使欧卡2和美卡共享用户群 (这两个游戏会有大量重叠玩家) ,推出一些在两个游戏之间可共享的元素。这都会在我们的门户网站“卡车世界”(worldoftrucks.com)上呈现。这是个同步卡车游戏上传截图的网站。现在那儿只像个能分享游戏经历的平台,但不久的将来,它将会功能倍增,让玩家可以同时在欧洲卡车与美国卡车世界中遨游。

欧卡2是我们三年前发布的,若将当时的欧卡2与美卡对比,还是颇有差别的。但按照现在的情况对比,就不是了。因为我们不断的在更新欧卡2 。最近我们还刚刚引入了新的导航系统呢。我们本可以把这样的新功能一直保留到美卡发布的时候再公开,但它马上就要直接用到欧卡2上面了。既然是已经做好的功能,何必还让大家苦等?我不介意刚刚说漏了这个即将推出的新功能,因为我觉得让玩家始终高兴才是最大的目的。
回到正题,我说说它们二者之间的差异吧,比如目的地货场里面的差异。在欧卡2游戏中,每次来到先前去过的卸货目的地,卸货位置总是千篇一律的。但在美卡游戏中,卡车到达目的地大门的时候会有人告诉你:“OK, 把货卸到这儿吧;把货卸到那儿吧!小心点别磕了!”。每次卸货的要求都是不同的,这像不像是个游戏中的游戏?

没错!对于很多玩家而言这是秀技术的重要环节。因为在高速路上开车并不需要太多技术。对于小白一些的玩家,也不用担心,我们会提供备用停放区域,让卸货极其简单。美卡的大门绝不对小白们紧闭,我们不会强迫小白们去做困难的事情。 The game will actually have scalable difficulty and in some way it is richer than ETS2, offering a backup that wasn’t available in Euro Truck. It will be more friendly for the newcomers to the genre. This is a feature that will first appear in American Truck, because the cargo depos and terminals are more sizeable, and there are more opportunities for us to show the feature, but if we see a positive response to it – which we hopefully will – this is the feature that will surely be coming to Euro Truck Simulator as well.


Will we see all the states in American Truck Simulator some day? Is it going to be something like the map of USA in The Crew game?
That is the vision. We haven’t covered a large part of Europe yet either. There is still a lot of work left and it will be the same with American Truck. We could have started with a map that would cover the whole United States, use some 20 cities and be done with it, but we wouldn’t have a chance to include details, like smaller roads, interesting little towns. We had to find balance between the progress we can achieve and the level of details we can go to. Covering all of the continent at that scale is a massive undertaking, so we had to start from something. We decided to start from California, and we are already working on more neighboring states, so we hope to be releasing content a little bit more frequently than we do for European Truck, where a major DLC usually takes us a year or so. But we are not making any commitments or announcements. We are not even able to guarantee the release date of the core game.
American trucks are famous for their amazing paint jobs. Will we be able to easily apply our own, custom paint schemes?
So far we had released paint jobs ourselves for decorating trucks. The base game of American Truck will have quite a decent set right at the start; we’ve included quite a few very climatic paint jobs. People are always asking: “Can we do it on our own? When will modding be easier?” Of course, we have tons of very talented modders who create fabulous stuff that we see and even admire. However, there are also normal guys who are not very technically skilled and want to be able somehow to do stuff like paint jobs on their own. We are therefore looking into this, because we know that the core of our community is running mods. We have support for Steam Workshop coming into the game soon, hopefully. With this, we hope the quality bar and the acceptance of mods will become even better. At the moment, the mods are appearing on various isolated websites that are scattered all over, full of advertisements, and sometimes even strange stuff… People want to find the best mods and can be sometimes confused as to what is the trusted source and what to avoid. With Steam Workshop we hope that the community will find a centralized location for mods; it’s also motivation for us to support better tuning opportunities through our own stuff. If we figure it out, in a long term, we want to support easier ways to mod the game and to share the mods as compared to what we have now.

已有三家品牌确定下来了,还有两家品牌现在正在谈,但谁知道会怎样呢。欧卡2里面的梅赛德斯奔驰用了4年时间才谈成呀。所以一个品牌也许少则只需谈两个礼拜,多则数年… 我们已经制作完成或接近完成了大量卡车!

不!我们绝不会再使用虚构名了! 我们在欧卡2时期犯了不少错误。我们将卡车做的惟妙惟肖,却不敢用别人的商标。当我们去找厂家谈合作的时候,得到的却是这样的话:”你们做的这么好竟然还用虚构名,为啥不早点来谈!“
欧卡2发布之初只自带三个真实卡车品牌,其余的品牌均使用虚构名代替。然而发布不到两周,上千玩家透过社交平台向卡车厂家直接表达希望游戏能加入他们品牌名称的诉求, 以至于卡车厂家最终主动找到我们要求加入他们的品牌名。我希望同样的事情在美卡这里梅开二度,让厂家意识到他们的品牌绝对值得并应该出现在我们的游戏里。

欧卡2如今已经有了一个不错的联机插件。我们很清楚大家都很喜欢体验组队的乐趣。现有的联机插件已经挺不错了,而我们正着手于用另一种角度来开发官方版联机模式。首先要做的便是我们称之为“可持续性经验模式”的功能 – 玩家该去哪里,如何驾驶,具体难易程度都应该根据这个功能记录的历史数据来安排。因此,这个功能不仅提供数据统计,还可以安排任务 – 我们现在正走在单机模式和联机模式道路的中途, 所以我们计划在可持续性经验模式功能的基础上完成我们的联机功能。我还需要强调的是,我们会在明年努力开发本功能,但尚不知何时才可以达到令人满意的程度,最终与公众见面。

Are you considering DirectX 12 support? Will ATS support its libraries from the start?
Right now we are putting DX 11 features to the game because we were stuck with DX9 for a long time. For many reasons we need to go to this step first. DX12 and the new Vulkan API that is replacing OpenGL are next on our horizon for sure. They are bringing some major things to the table. The trouble is that according to our analytics, we still have about a quarter of our player base actually stuck on computers where they can play with DX9 only, and for us it’s very difficult to support multiple alternate rendering systems, because the game is not just about the API and rendering graphics. It’s also about deep data structures in the game that need to be optimized, so the more APIs we support, the bigger support help it is for us to maintain the code base compatible with all of them. For sure, DX11 is our first little step towards better graphic features. It’s not like people will suddenly see all the shiny effects. It’s more about the smoothness of frame rate, support of some features that were difficult to do with DX9. It should be easier with DX11.

The Farming Simulator series is expanding on the console market Do you intend to try something similar with your games?
I think I have at least 2 or 3 e-mails every day from players asking me: “Can you do Xbox? Can you do PlayStation for us?” I would love to! We have been welcoming people from both major console manufactures visiting our office and they were saying that it was a good idea to look at this problem. But at the moment we are so stretched across multiple priorities that the consoles always come second. What we do now is graphics engine, rewriting DX11, some optimization, reorganization of the core structures – that should open the road for us to do a console version. We are using our own engine; Unreal or Unity are rather simple to switch over to consoles, but with our own engine we will have to develop a lot of new stuff… So it’s on the horizon. It’s not something that will probably come out within the next year but it’s within the mid-term to long-term plans. There is an idea to actually do that. It’s a little bit colliding with our wish to make the World of Trucks channel that connects the games that are currently on PC, Linux and Mac, because on these platforms we can update the core game to become the clients for the massive multiplayer layer that we plan to put on top of it. Now we have control over when and how the update will appear, whereas with the major consoles the update has to go through a Q&A process. It may be clashing a bit with our priorities but we see big games like World of Tanks and others bringing the free-to-play model to consoles with frequent updates of the game, so this is something that we think is becoming possible for us over time. We definitely would like to appear on consoles still in the life time of the current generation, but I cannot promise anything in the next 12 months. We have so much on our table already and consoles are not our first priority.

我们已经完成了三部大巴,它们都已经准备就绪。而现在遇到的问题是品牌名尚未得到厂家授权使用。正如我刚才谈到的,我不想在我的游戏里使用虚构名了。 As we were shifting priorities, sometimes people were working on the models of the coaches but we had no programmer available. When we assigned a programmer for the job and we had a lot of code written for the support of coaches – we didn’t have any licenses… 所以欧卡、美卡成了更优先的产品。Now the project is on the back burner, waiting for us to revisit it after we release American Truck, but the Euro Coach concept is definitely coming out.

It is not going to be a separate game in the end. Over time, we went up and down about the scope and form of the release. Initially, it was planned to be a DLC for ETS2, then we thought: “OK, this is worth a whole game”. Finally, we realized that the game concept actually shares so many things with what we would also like to do with the trucks that it is better to do it under one, shared umbrella – so the coaches are going to be a DLC just like it was conceived initially three years ago when we started to talk about it. And finally, I can hope – though I can’t make any promises – that the coaches will finally appear in the universe of our games next year. We don’t want to be stuck just with trucks. We want to offer alternate experiences to our players. We think we are a unique company, we provide quite deep simulations that are rich and accessible at the same time. We see opportunities for more vehicles to appear in the game. We would love to introduce the ability to drive a normal, passenger car because, apart from players who are truck fanatics, we have many players who come from the outside of this trucking phenomenon. They just like to drive and explore the world, so giving them alternate vehicles would absolutely make sense. We want to introduce over the next year or two even more types of vehicles to drive in the world, providing a sort of unified sandbox where you can do other things than just drive a truck. And the buses are the first example of that.
So there will be more?
Apart from numerous trucks we could do smaller transportation vehicles for goods. Two years ago we took very detailed pictures of recovery vehicles, big truck recovery, that make it possible to go to a damaged, broken down truck and pull it to the service area.
Do you focus mostly on heavy vehicles? What about police cars or ambulances?
Mostly heavy but I can even imagine doing ambulance jobs on the highway as a very nice break from the experience. There’s a lot on our wish list, the wish list transform into a plan, and some of the plan actually happens to be made in the end. I would love to see alternate vehicles in the game and not to be always limited to trucks, but even if we stay with trucks, there is a lot that can be made. Some things were even suggested by the manufactures, e.g. that we should make construction vehicles, like dumpers. It would be quite natural for us to have, let’s say, a building or a bridge to build, and the job would be to bring some materials to the site. We are also looking at the concept of having events or challenges of sort, but it is still between the wish list and the plans. We would really like to see our games to be growing feature-wise – growing a lot, not just deep into long-haul vehicles but also into many kinds of vehicles and what we can do with them.


人算不如天算。我们曾以为去年圣诞节就可以发布了,结果拖到今年春天,又拖到夏天,然后变成十一月。现在我只能说: 今年底完工的话, 明年二月便可以发布了。这是因为经销商们安排他们的仓库场地、门店货架、做推广都是需要时间的,所以游戏才不得不在完成开发的数周后发布,说具体些,是6到8周时间。我现在一心想的是游戏质量,所以没办法说出个具体日期,还是说个大概吧:希望是明年年初!
  • AGASAHIROSHI 膜仔通汇 +8 2015-10-26 20:39 原创翻译,必须支持!

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美卡拖了一年,还在拖= =


期待   看到个亮点 【货场】 正如所说的 卡车模拟最重要的并不是跑高速有多快 而是卸货的技巧  一盘卸货 很亮的 哈哈哈


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