
[欧卡2/美卡] 美卡肯沃斯T680:已发布

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【来源】:Kenworth T680 100 Years Anniversary Edition Release


The moment we've all been eagerly waiting for is finally here! We're thrilled to announce the release of the much-anticipated Kenworth T680 100 Years Anniversary Edition for American Truck Simulator.

我们翘首以盼的时刻终于到来了!我们非常高兴地宣布,万众期待的《美国卡车模拟器》(American Truck Simulator)肯沃斯 T680 100 周年纪念版正式发布。

After numerous requests from our passionate community, we've partnered with Kenworth to bring you a completely new vehicle – the Kenworth T680 100 Years Anniversary Edition. This iconic truck represents a century of Kenworth's commitment to excellence and innovation, making it a must-have for every trucker out there.

在我们热情的社区提出众多要求之后,我们与肯沃斯合作,为您带来一款全新的车型--肯沃斯 T680 100 周年纪念版。这款标志性卡车代表了肯沃斯一个世纪以来对卓越和创新的承诺,是每一位卡车司机的必备之选。

The special edition features an onyx-finished grill and filter covers, a distinctive Kenworth 100 badge on the sleeper cab, and a luxurious interior with red accents and silver trim. The signature edition seats and steering wheel, along with special limited edition black wheels with silver trim add a touch of sophistication. Safety meets innovation with digital mirrors, a blind spot detector, and the Kenworth Idle Management System at the back of the cab. Aerokits from FlowBelow enhance aerodynamics, while the truck's configuration boasts the highest sleeper, the 76-inch High Roof Sleeper, paired with a 6x4 chassis and the AirGlide AG400L suspension system. Get ready for a stylish virtual journey honoring Kenworth's enduring legacy!

该特别版采用玛瑙饰面的格栅和滤清器盖,卧铺驾驶室上有独特的肯沃斯 100 徽章,内饰豪华,采用红色装饰和银色饰条。签名版座椅和方向盘,以及带有银色装饰条的限量版黑色轮毂,都为该车增添了几分精致感。数字后视镜、盲点探测器和驾驶室后部的肯沃斯怠速管理系统使安全与创新完美结合。来自 FlowBelow 的空气动力学套件增强了空气动力学性能,而卡车的配置则拥有最高的卧铺--76 英寸高顶卧铺,与 6x4 底盘和 AirGlide AG400L 悬挂系统搭配使用。准备好开始一段时尚的虚拟旅程,向肯沃斯的悠久传统致敬!

This project thrived thanks to a fantastic collaboration with Kenworth, especially Brianna Potthast and her team, who was such a joy to cooperate on this truck with. Special thanks also go to our vehicle team, especially Daniel Antonín, and our external colleague Renju Therakathu from New Zealand. Stay tuned for exclusive interviews with Daniel and Renju, offering insights into the Kenworth T680 100 Years Anniversary Edition's development.

这个项目的成功要归功于与肯沃斯的出色合作,特别是 Brianna Potthast 及其团队,与他们合作开发这辆卡车非常愉快。此外,还要特别感谢我们的车辆团队,尤其是丹尼尔-安东宁(Daniel Antonín),以及来自新西兰的外部同事 Renju Therakathu。请继续关注我们对丹尼尔和 Renju 的独家专访,了解肯沃斯 T680 100 周年纪念版的开发过程。

While we're proud to release the Anniversary Edition on time for Kenworth's 100 years celebration, this is just the first stage of the full T680 release. This project was done on a super-accelerated schedule, and we made it happen on time thanks to smooth cooperation with experts from Kenworth. However, we'll need several more months to complete all the customization options our #BestCommunityEver is used to when receiving a new vehicle family with complete treatment, so stay tuned!

我们很荣幸能在肯沃斯百年庆典之际及时发布周年纪念版,但这只是 T680 正式发布的第一阶段。这个项目是在一个超级加速的时间表上完成的,多亏了与肯沃斯专家的顺利合作,我们才得以按时完成。不过,我们还需要几个月的时间来完成所有的定制选项,我们的 #BestCommunityEver 已经习惯于在收到新车时进行全套处理,敬请期待!


[ 本帖最後由 LeoLe1040 於 1919-08-10 11:45:14 編輯 ]

[ 本帖最後由 LeoLe1215 於 2023-12-19 17:33 編輯 ]

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